Week 11 Assignment: Explore BigGAN or deepDream —— (Lishan Qin)

For this week’s assignment, I played with DeepDreaming a little to generate images. I ran the model with the image below and changed the settings to see how each setting influences the output image. The difficulty I met when running the model is that when I first run the deep_dream.py file the error message “RuntimeError: Variable += value not supported.” showed up. I later changed the code in the file into “loss = loss+coeff * K.sum(K.square(x[:, :, 2: -2, 2: -2])) / scaling” and it worked. But I still don’t really know why it couldn’t run when the code is ” lose += ….” . But the program did begin to generate output after I changed that. The results are as follows.

The input image:

The output image when no setting is changed:

The output when I changed all “feature settings” into 2:  

(The changes seem to be smaller than the original image.)

The output when I changed step into 0.1 from 0.01 and left anything else unchanged:

Overall this was a super fun experience. The image it generated has a really powerful and interesting feeling. Even though I haven’t seen  how I can apply this technology in my final project, still I find this the deep dreaming is a very powerful technology.

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