Week 03 Assignment: trying Save/Load Model with Image Classification

This week’s assignment turned out to be bit less successful than I hoped. I wanted to use the assignment as an opportunity to build off of an earlier project I did using image classification. For that project, I loosely trained the model with images of the alphabet in American Sign Language (ASL). *note that I’m not very knowledgable about ASL and even worse at signing (I had to reference an alphabet guide) but here’s a video for reference of the last project:

Despite the fact that I only trained it with 24 of the 26 letters (J and Z require motion while image classification training requires still images), it was incredibly time consuming to have to retrain it every time I opened the project. Previously when I was doing this project, I didn’t know that a save/load model had recently been developed, so I figured I should try to implement that in this project to make it more efficient.

I referenced Daniel Shiffman’s video on the Save/Load model, and for the first part it does seem to be working; after training, the model.json and model.weights.bin files download and open to look like the demonstration in the video. It’s only when I try to load them back into the program that it stops working. In localhost, it stops running at “loading model.” My terminal shows this:


I think there’s probably a relatively simple explanation to this or something that I’m overlooking, and I think I should continue to work on it and make sure I can make this work. If I could get it to work, I think the save/load model would be extremely helpful in developing a larger project, and especially if I wanted to move forward with something similar to the image classification model.


Training & saving model code: https://github.com/katkrobock/aiarts/tree/master/train_saveModel

Loading model code: https://github.com/katkrobock/aiarts/tree/master/loadModel


Daniel Shiffman / The Coding Train video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU7gIy3xV30

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