Midterm Project Proposal and Research – Jonghyun Jee


I changed the topic of my project from the ancient Chinese characters to the Hanafuda cards. There are a couple reasons why I changed the subject: first, I found that the idea I proposed before is more based on computer vision rather than artificial intelligence (it does not necessarily need deep learning to identify the resemblance between an image input and a certain Chinese character); second, I wanted to actually train my algorithm instead of utilizing the pre-trained models.

Image result for hanafuda"

Hanafuda cards, or Hwatu in Korean, are playing cards of Japanese origin that are commonly played in South Korea, Japan, and Hawaii. In a single set, there are twelve suits, representing months. Each is designated by a flower, and each suit has four cards—48 cards in total. Hanafuda can be viewed as an equivalent of poker cards in Western, or mahjong in China as they are mostly used for gambles.

I got the inspiration from Siraj Raval’s “Generating PokĂ©mon with a Generative Adversarial Network,” which trains its algorithm with the images of 150 original PokĂ©mons and generates new PokĂ©mon-ish images based on the data-set by using WGAN. I replaced the dataset with the images of hanafuda cards I found on the web, and modified the code to work accordingly with the newly updated data-set.


Collecting the proper image set was the first thing I did. I scraped 192 images in total, including a scanned set of nineteenth century hanafuda cards from the digital library of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France,  a set of modern hanafuda cards from a Japanese board game community, vector images of modern Korean hwatu cards from the Urban Brush, and a set of Hawaiian-style Hanafuda cards. I had to manually gather those images and trim out their borders, which may affect the result of generated images.

Although they have slightly different styles, they share same themes, symbols and compositions—as we can see from the image above, there are distinct hanafuda characteristics: including elements of the nature, Japanese style of painting, simple color scheme, and so on. I hope artificial intelligence can detect such features and generate new, interesting hanafuda cards that have not existed so far.

The code is comprised of three parts: Resize, RGBA to RGB, and the main GAN. First,  as it is necessary to make the size of all image sources same, “Resize” automatically scales the images to the same size (256*404). Second, “RGBA2RGB” converts the RGBA images to RGB, namely from PNG to JPG. The first two steps are to standardize the images so they can be fed to the algorithm, the main GAN.

The GAN part has two key functions: Discriminator and Generator. The Discriminator function of this GAN keeps trying to distinguish real data from the images created by the Generator function. It has four layers in total, and each layer performs convolution, activation (relu), and bias. At the end of the Discriminator part, we use Sigmoid function to tell whether the image is real or fake. The Generator function has six layers that repeat convolution, bias, and activation. After going through the six layers, the generator will use tanh function to squash the output and return a generated image. It is remarkable that this Generator begins by randomly generating images regardless of the training data-set. And as training goes on, the random inputs will morph into something looks like hanafuda cards due to the optimization scheme, which is back-propagation. 


As I’m using a Windows laptop, there are some difficulties in terms of work submission to Intel DevCloud. After I figure out how to install needed dependencies(cv2, scipy, numpy, pillar) on the Intel environment, I’ll train the algorithm and see how I might improve the results. Here are a number of potential issues and rooms for improvement:


Above is a set of images generated by PokĂ©mon GAN. Here we can clearly see some PokĂ©mon-like features; and yet, they are still somewhat abstract. Aven pointed out that the result of my hanafuda cards are very likely to be as abstract as those PokĂ©mons are. I need to do more research on how to make my potential results less abstract, or I may select a few interesting outputs and retouch them a little bit. 

Since the data-set is comprised of cards of the three different countries, I’m so excited to see what will come out of this project. I’d like to find some “pairable” cards that share similar characteristics, so I can possibly group them as 13th or 14th month. 

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