Week 10: EB’s work

For this week’s assignment, I trained a style transfer model using a cyberpunk style image as my base. I personally fell in love with this genre thanks to movies such as Tron, Beyond the Aquila Rift and others. I wanted to create a model that would translate normal landscapes into something out of one of these movies.

Beginning the project, I didn’t realize that it would take me such a long time to complete. Being on a Windows computer didn’t help as well. I followed along with the slides provided to us however some of the lines of code would not transfer well in the command terminal of the windows system. Therefore, I resorted to transferring my work onto a mac.

From there, I downloaded the finished model and uploaded into the folder that was provided to us. Running the localhost server, I then proceeded to test the finished work out. 

Here are some of my finished work:

Personally, I’m very satisfied with the results. It manages to change normal everyday landscapes into actual Tron images. However, I think that the result created a very digitized version of the landscapes. Understandably, there is a lot of loss and the accuracy might not be quite high, but it is safe to say that the model was able to perform better than expected.

The effect doesn’t really work with portraits as seen in this example. If given pictures of landscapes it works very well. I think that this model has potential and if given enough time to develop, it can potentially create even better examples of said images. 

Overall, I think that I was able to recreate the cyberpunk aesthetic with the model. It went really well however there is a lot of room to improve. A larger sample size would give me a better result and translate the landscapes into a more accurate depiction of cyberpunk/Tron-esque landscapes. This idea can become a reality and is a very feasible idea in my opinion. This is definitely a good idea to look into.  

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