NOC Week 7: Midterm 3D Noise Visualization – Andrew Joslyn

This begins an exploration into 3D visualization that I plan on both developing and improving as the semester goes on.  My initial concept, as described in class, was to turn a 2D plane-like object and allowing the user to interact with it, and to show the user how his choice on the 2D plane influences the result of the 3D object that is created after “turning on” the sketch, by hitting spacebar.  Unfortunately, the limitations of 3D in p5.js meant that applying transformations to turn a 2D visual into a 3D one was very taxing on calculations and quite limited by WEBGL as a graphics engine, so because of this, I opted for an approach where the user is able to manipulate the size and movement of the noise field, as well as the intensity of the visualization that the noise is mapped to, in order to create differing effects, mirrored and flipped 180 degrees in order to achieve a sort of similar visual effect in 3D space that I intended before, while incurring far less lag. Had I used the native app instead of the web editor, I think that the visual may have been even better yet – perhaps something to look towards in the future when pursuing 3D visualization.


I enjoyed working in 3D space and enjoyed the discovery process of p5.js and its capabilities and limitations, and hope to develop a better understanding, and continue to explore and demonstrate a more complex and complete process and visualization for future projects.

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