NOC – HW4: Forces pt. 2 – Andrew Joslyn

Link to Presentation

Link to sketch

For this week’s forces update, I played around with applyForce() and added a reset() function for the in-class demonstration of restitution. Depending on where the user clicks and holds the mouse, you are able to reset the “bounce” of the objects, giving them greater Y trajectory or X trajectory. I kept gravity and wind in the sketch, which I probably could have done without or re-coded on my own, but I just kept the values more or less the same as what was presented in class, however I modified the forces being applied as well as the values that change velocity in order to give the example a more natural feel, and decreased the coefficient of restitution in a way that the random mass of the objects would actually impact and change behavior based on size. This was a “quick and dirty” application, but I feel my understanding of the physics aspect is fundamentally solid, and the idea of a “physics sandbox” is something that actually leaves very little room for much more, outside of adding more objects or adding more interaction, and that requires some creativity, which I unfortunately admittedly lack, haha.

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