From my previous definition of interaction, all my projects focus on encouraging people to do something– encouraging people to engage in activities or to better themselves.

“Dance Visualizer”

The issue I try to tackle in this project is the lack of physical activity in some people. Rather than trying to encourage exercise in the traditional sense (going to the gym, playing sports, etc), I try to encourage it through something that everyone can do in the comfort of their own homes– dancing. Although everyone can dance or has tried to dance, it can often be frustrating if one cannot get the moves right. This can create a negative feedback loop and discourage people from continuing to dance. One way I thought to tackle this problem would be to create an immediate visual aid as one dances. 

The visuals would come from processing, and the sensing of the dancer’s movement would come from arduino. The way this project would work is that pressure sensors would be placed at the bottom of the dancers feet, inside a shoe, and when a dancer would step and execute a dance move, a visual representation would be displayed through processing. Because of this, even if the dancer were to make a wrong move, a nice visual would still be displayed, disregarding the fact that the dancer did a wrong move.

The way in which the visuals would work would rely on different combinations of steps from both the left and right feet of the dancer. For example, if the dancer were to step once on their right foot, a bouncing ball would show up, or if the dancer were to step once on the right and twice on the left, lines would move across the screen. Because of the multiple combinations of foot movement, the dancer could freestyle their dances and yield many different visualizations. This allows the dancer to get new feedback from the visualizer every time they dance, making dancing a new and refreshing experience every time.


The issue I try to tackle in this project comes from people’s diets, and the lack of vegetables in some people’s daily food intake. The target audience would be people roaming around in grocery stores, buying their groceries. As some people walk by the vegetables section, they would not bat an eye, but my project would aim to draw people into the vegetable section, and encourage them to buy more vegetables.

The way that my project would work requires simple sensors from arduino, and visuals from processing. A person would walk through the vegetable isle and see a screen with a bunch of different vegetables laid in front of it. The screen would say “Pick one up and see what happens” and a sensor would sense when the if a certain vegetable is picked up. On the screen would display the vegetable’s nutrition facts, as will as a bar that would be filled up as the customer would pick up more and more vegetables. If the customer picks up a sufficient amount of vegetables, the screen would say “Congratulations! You now have a balanced diet!”

The visualizations can be customized, but the general idea is to inform the customer of the nutritional benefits of each of the vegetables they pick up, and then encourage the customer to pick up more vegetables. The screen could also show different recipes that the vegetable could be used in.

“See, Touch, Piano”

In this project, I try to encourage people to play the piano through visual representations of music. People can often be discouraged from playing the piano due to how they perceive the difficulty of starting to play, which makes them not want to start playing in the first place. My project would be placed in public places with a piano where anyone can walk up and start playing.

The way in which my project works is similar to that of my first idea “Dance Visualizer”. Touch sensors would be placed in the keys of a piano and detect when the key is pressed. Processing would then take these different combinations of notes and turn them into visuals in a screen. Different combinations of 1, 2, 3, or more notes would turn into moving visuals on the screen. In this way, the person playing the piano would not only get positive feedback from the harmony in the notes they play, but also nice visual feedback showing the harmonies. Because of this double positive feedback loop, the person would be more encouraged to start playing the piano because of this enjoyable experience.

Final Project Proposal Chloe Wang

After my research, I found that I am very interested in screen or projected images interacting with human movements. So my project ideas will be around this general strategy of having an interactive screen. Furthermore, all my projects are centered on one general theme of human’s “blindness” online. The first project is about our blindness on fame, the second is about blindness on our own conducts, and the third is about our blindness on truth. These three projects would be relevant to all internet users since we have all participated or witnessed such phenomenons actively or passively. 
  1. First, I want to build an interactive set up that reflects on the current trend of everyone wanting to be famous. I will call it â€œ15 minutes”. As Andy Warhol once said that: â€œIn the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes”(15 minutes of fame). The project would start off being a blank canvas, or with a natural looking background. When someone walks in the fame, eye-shaped icons will slowly appear in rows and the eyeballs will turn towards that individual standing in the frame. After a while, maybe around 30 seconds, those eyes will slowly fade away meaning that people have lost interest in that individual and are seeking new ones. Indeed, there are many ways for one to be famous nowadays with social media applications such as Tik Tok or Instagram. But rarely can someone sustain their fame . This project is aimed to emphasize that instead of wanting to get famous online, maybe we should rather focus on something else that makes our lives meaningful. 
  2. For my second idea, I want to explore internet violence. It is called “Snowfall“. There will be a toy with a motion sensor in it. When someone punches it, there would be a snowflake coming down on the screen. As more people punch the toy, the snowflake would accumulate and eventually create an avalanche. I hope this project could signify that we normally ignore the impact of our actions. The toy represents someone on the internet who s being bullied. Instead of being on the internet, they would be shown in real life as puppets to show that we believe our actions do not actually have an effect on the person at the other side of the internet. Earlier this semester, news broke out that the K-pop star Sulli was found dead at age 25(Allen, 2019). This tragedy has made many people noticing the toxic online abuse scene that exists everywhere in the world. People described internet violence as snowflakes to avalanche, that all snowflakes are responsible for the avalanche. This project visualizes the seemingly harmless effects of individuals’ participation in online abuse. 
  3. My third idea is about the idea of truth. I want to call it “Truth about Truth” or “In Eyes”. With this project, I want to emphasize how difficult it is to achieve the whole truth. The basic idea of this project is to have a blurred photo that is originally showing a very contrasted scene, such as a kid playing soccer on a green field, but outside of the field is a destroyed city. The whole picture would be blurred in the beginning, but as someone walks into the frame, the area where the person is standing will be the focus, or not blurred anymore. I want to show that we are seeing and interpreting things from our own perspective. We are seeing only what we want to see, and it is almost impossible to see the real picture at once and decide what is the truth. I got this idea while talking with my friends regarding the Hong Kong protests happening recently. The news we see in China and the trends on Twitter completely represent two opposite sides of the violence. People on both sides are only willing to read the news they believe are true. So the truth is always what they want to believe in. This is determined in media study as “selective exposure”(‘Selective exposure theory’, 2019) . The scary part of selective exposure is the “third-person effect”. We have a tendency to think that we are not easily influenced by the internet as individuals. 
Allen, F. (2019) ‘K-Pop star Sulli found dead at 25 after online abuse forced her to quit band’, The Sun, 14 October. Available at: 15 November 2019).
15 minutes of fame – Wikipedia(no date). Available at: 14 November 2019).
‘Selective exposure theory’ (2019) Wikipedia. Available at: 15 November 2019).

Final Project Proposals-Kurt Xu

Proposal 1:”Echo”

Designed for stressful people to release the anxiety, our first proposal is a pressure-releasing device. Inspired by Edvard Munch’s famous painting The Scream, the device aims to lead the users to sunleash the stress in their heart by screaming, and then the device detects the volume of the voice and made corresponding reactions, which named itself “the Echo”. The current difficulty is that the project is a bit conceptually thin in the form of interaction thus we need to add other core concepts, and the guidance of that device must be extra careful to avoid the users to gain more pressure in trying to scream louder rather than scream to relieve.


Proposal 2:”Night Vendor”

The second proposal is a (possibly wearable) device designed for people with insomnia or just having some difficulties in sleeping or resting. The idea is inspired by one episode (Epd.415) of Doraemon, in which it introduces an light bulb that can turn the environment as dark as night and they use it to help the father disturbed by the brightness to sleep. Like its name, it provides a immersive artificial environment simulating the conditions of night, while it detects the user’s heart rhythm simutaneously to evaluate the user experience and will show the result in the form of different color of the light which will change on the basis of heartrate as an exterior display. The difficulty is mainly on the limitation of required knowledge, like the evaluation of heartrate and the specific idea of “night” by the definition of biology and physiology but not just being dark.


Proposal 3:”Free the Person in Traffic Lights”

That’s my favourate project. In my daily life, I observed that pedestrians become bored and idle while waiting for the green light, especially in long intervals. To make full use of that gap, we think that we can change the idea of a previously unmovable object, which is the pattern of a person in the green/red traffic light. So inspired by the dancing trafficlight project, the device has a motion-detecting component that allows you to control the formerly standstill person in the red light with your own motion. The difficulty is mainly technical as the technology of motion track is obviously very complicated for us based on what we have learnt and to achieve that effect we may need huge investment in hardware.

Final Project Proposals – Ariana Alvarez

Idea 1: “You can score-it too!”

This idea is an assistive technology driven project, that connects Arduino and Processing in order to create a more inclusive way of developing video games. The project  consists of creating a soccer penalty scoring game in Processing, and connecting it to a distance sensor in an Arduino. The Arduino, will be attached to a vest, which will be worn by the game user. Therefore, any subject with physical disabilities that doesn’t enable him or her to physically kick the ball, will be able to play the game by just putting the vest on. So, depending on the speed and distance of the player towards the sensor and display, the soccer ball within the Processing game animation will be impulsed to score a goal on the screen. This project is idealized to redefine video game creation, by making it inclusive to all members of society who want to feel the adrenaline of a real or virtual game, however, they have difficulties either holding a game controller, or physically kicking the ball. 

Idea 2: Music World Map

As I came to NYU Shanghai, I have been immersed into a complex student body of very diverse nationalities and cultures. From this immersion, I have also noticed the lack of knowledge between people in general about some smaller countries as they are overlooked by the bigger, powerful nation. Hence, inspired by the lack of knowledge of each others’ cultures, I developed the idea of creating an interactive world map. The map would either be 3D printed, or coded within Processing in such way that once the figure of one country on the map is pressed, then Arduino will output one of the songs from the top-10 list of songs of that country that will be extracted from worldwide music databases such as Spotify and Apple Music. This project will have the purpose of not only educating the viewers in regards to where certain smaller countries are located, but also show them a small part of their culture through their most popular up-to-date music.

Idea 3: “A Race through Race”

As a cross cultural latinamerican, through this project I want to address the challenges faced by mixed races when society’s prejudice and stereotypes want to determine “who we are” based on our physical appearance. Throughout my whole life I have observed how most people have a certain standard regarding how latinos, asians, americans, africans, and even europeans “should look”, and by this they are blindsided to the idea of culture intersectionality, and how people’s geographic nationality does not determine their race. They ignore or are unaware of the fact that africans can ‘look white’, latinos can ‘look asian and white’, asians can ‘look latino’, etc. Therefore, in order to generate awareness amongst the public of how there is no such thing as a set of standards regarding how a person should “look” based on their ethnicity, I want to create a gamification of a stereotype pop-quiz. The gamification will be called “A race through race”, and it consists of two participants being exposed to a series of images of individuals with different physical appearances. While looking at each image, they will have 10 seconds to select which continent (or geographical area), they believe the person from the image is from, and whoever gets the most answers right is the winner. The idea behind allocating a time constraint is to truly get people’s first impression and see how that influences their tendency to choose the incorrect answers. This form of interaction is intended to, in the end, demonstrate the users how despite nationalities and geographical locations, we are all truly just one race, the human race; and specially in modern day society, there is no such thing as a standard or stereotypical “ethnicity”, as each culture has its own salad bowl of colors and appearances as a product of globalization and cross cultural relationships. 
Idea 4: Identity Distortion
My final idea, similar to the third one, is also related to race and stereotypes; but rather than addressing then through the ethnical and cultural lens, I want to address race through the color lens. For this reason, the main question I want to solve is “How would we see each other in Black and White?”. 
I came upon this question as I noticed the labelling and beauty standard stereotypes that exist regarding skin tones. In my personal experience, I have faced situations in which I am either not “white enough” to be beautiful, or not “dark enough” to be Latina. Therefore, thanking this into consideration, I want to create a vintage Photo Booth experience, that inverses the user into “editing” their own pixelated image, and being able to change their skin tone under an inverse or negative filter. However, once the picture has been processed, they will receive an image that is completely different than what they expected. Hence, conveying the message of how the outdated idea of beauty being attached to a certain race, still exists but is unexpectedly erroneous.

Final Project Proposal by Yifei Li

Title: Floating Keys

For this project, we want to make something like a piano keyboard with sensors connected to the computer. There will be a game in processing that plays different songs and shows which key can make the correct sound. The player should follow the hints and put his hands above the right key to play the song correctly and win the game. With the sensors, he doesn’t need to actually touch it, which we think is more interesting. This game helps people who want to get more familiar with the songs and notes, but find only practicing on the real piano for a long time could be a bit dull. For those who have never played the piano before, it can both provoke their interest and help them relax. We got the inspiration from the instrument simulator kind of games and my partner’s personal experience of practicing piano. We hope it can make the process of practicing more effective and enjoyable. 

Title: Simple Gamebox

This project will create a collection of simple games like space invaders and tic tac toe that can be played on the computer. The player can control the game by using a joystick, and the gameplay should be easy. This game has a lower requirement of computer and allows the players to play the games that normally can’t be played on the computer so that they don’t need to bring a video game console everywhere. The inspiration was the Xbox App, displayed on Windows PCs, that projects the game onto the computer’s screen. For people who want to use a controller rather than a keyboard to play games, this would be more convenient.

Title: The Maze Race(with a 4D audience experience)

We want to make a maze that exists both in reality and the screen. There will be two players, each controlling one robot to move inside the maze created in processing by the keyboard. There will also be a real maze made by 3D printing or cardboard with two physical robots inside. These two robots will move according to the key pressed, meaning they move exactly the same way as the ones inside processing. The first one to complete the maze will win. The audience can watch the race more directly in reality instead of just standing beside the computer watching the screen. Our inspiration came from the game Temple Run, and the movie The Maze Runner. The game is for people who want to win over each other and have some fun at the same time. The audience can also have a sense of participation from it.