Week 2: CSS Exercise (Jiannan Shi)

Project: CSS Excercise – My portfolio

Documented by Jiannan Shi

Webpage link:  http://imanas.shanghai.nyu.edu/~js9686/portfolio/

Date: Feb. 21, 2019


I arranged this webpage according to the prompt, and I find it helpful to draw a borderline on each column I want to make in advance to make myself clear about where they are. 

To personalize my page, I set the headers and texts to good-looking fonts from Google Font, using the method we learn from the last lecture. To make the hyperlinks look good, I also changed the color of them using the “a:” syntax. 

Week 2: Photoshop Collage (Jiannan Shi)


A combination of city skylined of AbuDhabi-Shanghai-NewYork.


The first idea that comes to my mind to combine three images was to create a long landscape with the skylines of cities that NYU’s three portal campuses are located. Then, I started to search, and found these three photos:

(Abu Dhabi)


new-york-skyline(New York)

After I created layers for each skyline, I met several problems:

  1. I need to stretch one of the pictures to be the background, but it is hard to get the sky and sea expanded in a similar fashion. Then I tried different tools in the toolbar to figure out how I can fill in the blank areas. My first try was to use the “Content-Aware Move” tool. But I found it too slow:Difficulty-hard to expand shanghaiThen I realized that I can select the blank area and fill in the color of “content-aware patching.” This is how I finally did:My solution: Content-Aware Patch
  2. It is hard to get similar lightings to different buildings in the skylines. After I selected all the things I need as new layers and put all these into the expanded Shanghai skyline, I found the New York and Abu Dhabi does not match Shanghai’s sun color (as the picture above shows). Also, although I tried to find the original skyline pictures in similar resolutions, there are still some places where the resolutions between buildings cannot match. To solve this problem, I finally decided to make the whole picture black-and-white style and blurred it.
  3. It is hard to make the inverted image of these buildings in the water surface when I combine them together. To make it look real, I used the healing brush in the toolbar to copy the building on the land into the water. Then, I used the content-aware tool to make the inverted images integrated with the water surface.  Since I cannot make sure all the images to be converted correctly and scientifically, I just cut down some portion of the water surface.

Response to McLuhan “Medium is the Message” – Jiannan Shi

People may regard that it should be what we see in the content rather than the carrier of the content that matters and influences our actions. We might think that it is important to know how to use the medium, how to tell a wonderful story in the content of a film, but we seldom realize the value of film as the medium. McLuhan challenges our content-centered view and argues in a different angle that the medium itself should be much more important and valuable than the content that it carries. Taking the example of printing technology, McLuhan says that print in the 16th century “individualism and nationalism” (160). The medium is shaping our society in its very first beginning, and we should realize how powerful it is. He continues warns us that “if the formative power in the media is the media themselves, that raises a host of large matters” (161). If a society restricts itself within one or two forms of medium, the people’s life and sensation in such an environment would become fixed.

Reflecting on myself, I cannot live without my mobile phone not only because of the attractive content on social media but also because the mobile phone itself is becoming a necessary tool to live my life here in Shanghai. Ordering food, paying the bill, booking the taxi, and even making an appointment with doctors are all available on my phone, and they, without doubt, are convenient. I always appreciate the programmers, innovators, and content contributor on how their work in developing software benefit my life and change our lifestyle. However, I did not realize that all these works cannot exist without the development of internet, web, communication infrastructure, and mobile technologies. McLuhan gives me a new angle in seeing our surroundings, and an insight to treat medium with a more comprehensive understanding.

Portfolio About page – Julia Riguerra


The only issue that came up in coding was that my list was not showing up numbered, but I was able to find the correct code at https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_lists.asp. I also had issues and confusion with CyberDuck and not being able to upload my files, though these were resolved with Professor Eckert.

Week1 – Response to E. M. Forster – Demi Mishiev

The idea of almighty machine which controls the humanity reminds me of the “Matrix”, with one difference, in matrix people are not aware that they live inside the simulation.
Even though, I personally like the concept, I feel like that “ The Machine stops” does not provide enough information about the world, how people damaged the planet so bad, that they had to live underground, and more importantly, why they created a machine powerful enough to sustain all its inhabitants, to provide them with clean water and oxygen, yet not powerful enough to safe the planet. What do I mean by save the planet is cleaning the water from the waste, filter the air, improve the soil quality.

I have an answer to my own question, in a way. The experiment with monkeys, ladder and bananas. 5 monkeys were placed into a cage. In a cage there was only a ladder above which the banana were hanging. The is no other way to reach the bananas except for using a ladder. The stronger monkey got onto it first, but when it was about to grab the fruit, cold water started shooting at all of the monkeys. It repeated again, and again, until the monkeys gave up.
Then, one monkey was replaced with another, who had no idea that water would activate, so when it tried to climb the ladder, other monkeys would attack it. The scientist then replaced another monkey, and another, until the whole original set of monkeys were gone. What was left is a new set of monkeys, scared to climb the ladder, and having no idea why.
Those people might have created the machine to protect them, until it does its job. The machine however understood that once it’s done, there would be no longer need for it, so it kept the people inside, scared, until eventually they were too scared about even thinking to go on ground. However, this is just my assumption.