Week 8: Video Project Proposal – Jon, Allie, Murray

This project will make you hungry.

We’re making a cooking video. You, the user and viewer, make choices in creating your dish – how it’s cooked, selecting which ingredients go into it, which toppings will cover it in the end. Depending on the choices you make, each step in the food preparation process will happen differently, and the product you’ll see at each point in the process as well as at the very end will change accordingly. Each step of the way, you’re presented with a video showing what you did and the outcome of it, and the option to go to the next step.

In the end, you get your dish. You’ll have the option to download or share a screenshot (or different screenshots from each part of the process) or, if possible, video of your creation. This could turn out to be the most technically demanding part of the project (and we might not do it if it’s too complicated), but it’d be a nice feature to be able to concatenate all the short video clips together into one longer video that the user can view together and download. We might even give your dish a name, based on what processes and ingredients went into it – if you chose to do some wild stuff, then expect a suitably strange name.

In terms of technique, we’ll probably present this in a cooking-show format – not as a show per se, but having a clean, clear presentation style. For the host website, we’ll want to use a style and layout that is visually pleasing as well as intuitive to use (this should go without saying, as hopefully all websites follow a similar standard). To code the website, we’ll obviously need to learn how to display videos embedded in a webpage. Overall, the most difficult part, aside from video file concatenation, will be creating different video clips that flow together when played in sequence.

Week 9 – Video Project idea – Daisy, Ruby & Tenielle

We got inspiration from a previous project called Roboto and decided to shot a video about two object-box and eraser. The setting of the story is that Mr box and Mr eraser are friends and roommates. Their job is to decorate the room – mr box will add objects and mr eraser will erase the object that they don’t want. In this way we want to make this video more interactive with the user.

We don’t have a concrete idea about the story yet. But so far we think we may do a split screen on the web page showing two different perspectives, one for the room layout(shoot from the back of mr box) and one for their talks (shoot from the front of mr box). When the user want to add something their will be a video pop up on the page to show the process(mr box carrying things to some place) instead of just click and show the image, this might bring other problems but hopefully we will be able to fix it.

Week 8: Video Project (Moon) – Susie, Anica and Ying

    Our group’s video project is to end a story in one sentence. Based on some famous stories that everyone may possibly know or hear about it, we will create different storylines that may end these famous stories at the beginning or before the key scene. These endings may be interesting, funny, bad or open endings.

    We now have two plans for this topic. The first plan is to focus on one story and make four different endings. For this plan, we will pay more attention to the variety of endings. The second plan is to find four different stories with an ending each. For this plan, we may think more about the stories themselves. We can all make funny endings or bad endings.

    Next week, we will start to find the stories for us to create the endings and try to design the layout of the website.

Week 8 – Video Project Proposal- Milly, Oona & Vincent

For our video project, we think up a really interesting idea that we would like to make a few short scenes about “a world that you can only speak the truth”. This inspiration comes from our daily life, for many times we choose not to say what we truly think to avoid loss. However, what if we are “setting” to speak the truth?
Initially, we would like to take the comparison of scenes to make the result of “speaking the truth” funnier. But as our discussion going on, we are thinking about more alternations of interactivity, for example, let the viewer choose what to say in a situation (though this may not truly fit the original idea, more like an RPG game). Or, three people take three different actions.
As for the labor division, though not settling down yet, I think we will write the script and create the storyline together and film it together.  Later on, we will manage the task of editing and web page development.

NOC: Room(midterm project) – Moon(Candy Bi)

Project: Room

Date: 04.07.2019

Processor: Moon

Description: Room is an P5-based interactive project, featuring a 3d dark room which could be light up by three dots of light. The user interaction is as simple as moving their mouse to control the light so that they could see what is in the room. The scale of space being lighted up is directly proportioned to the distance between the three lights(as how it would be in real life). By moving the mouse, user can change the sight of how they perceive the 3d room to imitate the feeling of turning around in the space. Additionally, users can adjust the brightness of the “light” to interact. Room is expected to create an immersive user experience.

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