NOC: Week 2 Assignment – Ji Hwan Shin

For this week’s assignment, I played around with different functions like push and pop. I also utilized an array and a class to set my variables for the objects I want to manipulate. I wanted to create rain falling on a flower. So I placed variables like x, y, angle, and radius into a class ‘Rain’ and played around with the time and frameCount to mimic the image of rain falling. For the flower, I got an ellipse and rotated it using radians. To animate the object I rotated it by manipulating the frameCount. I learned that to translating between radians and degree using the ‘push’ and ‘pop’ functions work best to get my desired results.


NOC – Week 2: Object-Oriented Programming – Yang Gao


The link to my assignment(With Music):

For this week assignment, I played around with class and expanded what we did in class. When you click, it will generate stars✨ and play the sound. The background music is also playing all the time. And once you click, it will print/show a poem sentence by sentence by access them in the array. 

To get the background filled with gradient color, I changed the color function to HUB mode.

NOC – Week 2: Random Objects – Yiqin Qiu



Press left mouse button to generate objects including triangles, circles, and squares.

They will be generated at the mouse position while their color and speed are randomly chosen. Also, they all self-rotates. When they hit the boundaries, they will bounce back.

You can use your mouse wheel to control the speed of the objects as if you can control the time!

NOC – Week 2: sketch – Yunyu Zhang(Samantha)

  1. I first made the balls automatically become bigger as they move through adding a new function that keeps enlarging the diameter of the balls.
  2. Then I added another function that makes the balls become smaller when the mouse is clicked also through reducing the diameter.
  3. Then I made another class of triangles that keep going down on the screen through increasing the y position.
  4. In order to make the triangle always on the screen, I made the x position of the triangles go back to 0 when they reach the bottom of the canvas.
  5. I added a new function that makes the triangles move horizontally faster when the mouse is clicked through adding speed to the x position of the triangles.
  6. Then I make the x positions of the moving triangles go back to the center region once they touch the left and right edges of the canvas so that the triangles would not disappear.

NOC Week 1

I just realized that I forgot to post the documentation for the assignment on the first week.

link to the project:

There are three groups of circles. The first group follows mouse movements. The second group follows mouseY position. And the third group follows mouseX position.

I also tried noise function to create dynamic movements for the second group and third group. However, because I added too much transparency to these two groups, the movements are not very clear.