NOC – Week 4: Inspirations – Jingyi Zhu

Date: 03.13.2019

Link to Google Slides

My inspirations are a series of artworks produces by teamLab that simulate the movement of water. According to teamLab’s introduction to the works, they calculate the interaction between numerous water particles to create the simulation. In the work about vortices, a person’s movement applies forces to the “flow of water”, thus changing its velocity and direction. I am inspired by their idea of putting a simulated movement of nature elements into different settings, interactive or non-interactive, natural or artificial, so as to express and convey different artistic feelings.

NOC – Week 4: Force – Yiqin Qiu



I implemented a class called Env that records rectangle shape environments. Three kinds of environments with different resistance coefficient are created, colored red, green, and blue.

Gravity and frictions are applied to objects. Press the mouse to apply wind on the objects.

NOC – Week 4: Attraction – Susan Xu

Link to my inspiration presentation: 

My initial idea is to build a n-body system, with particles dancing around planets. My planets will have atmosphere and water to slow down the particle, and when it hits the solid surface, it will bounce back to the universe. The implement, though, produced weird particle motion. It was not until days later that I figured where the bug was; by when I had already take on new ideas. Will implements the planet idea some time in the future.

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