Week 1: Blog Post – Theresa Lin

Both of these readings have made me realize how important it is to properly design data visualization to display data accurately and aesthetically to both draw attention to and educate people. At the same time, data visualizations can be manipulated in a way that the designer want other people to interpret it. This shows that not only the design of the visualization is important but also it’s crucial to pay close attention and actually read the data. As mentioned “The Five Qualities of Great Visualizations,” the truth of a visualization can be skewed and thus is the most important aspect to consider when designing a data visualization. As a designer it’s essential to be as objective as possible and convey the most accurate information to the audience. Apart from a visualization being truthful, the function is also influential. For a graph to be functional, it should help the audience interpret the information correctly. The reader should not have to spend extensive time reading the small details and studying the graph carefully. Additionally, it’s more helpful if the graph is showing information that is relevant to the majority of people. Although “The Five Qualities of Great Visualizations” only uses 2D visualizations as examples, there are also other type of visualizations that aren’t just graphs and charts and could convey information better. I think data physicalizations are more impactful in a different way because they can rely on different human senses such as touch, smell, sight, and hearing to convey information. Physicalizations are also more tangible thus making the data easier to grasp for some people. The example of the raincoat that lights up wherever the rain drops in Beyond the Tyranny of the Pixel is easier to grasp and see rather than reading a graph.

test post with code

I can’t embed github code 🙁

int size = 0;
int increment = 3;
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
void draw() {
ellipse(width/2,height/2, size, size);
size = size + increment;
if ( size > 300){
increment = -increment;
}if((size<150) && (increment<0)){
increment = -increment;