IMA Capstone _ The Brain Artist _ Wentao Wang

The Brain Artist – An artistic experiment with brain-computer interface

This is the Neurosky EEG headset I’m using. It will record the electromagnetic waves generated by your brain and separate out different components. The two sets of data I’m using are attention level and meditation level. The headset is connected to the computer via Bluetooth.

This is the original data transferred from the Bluetooth server.


And this is the data I’m receiving for visualization.


This is the home page. It contains instructions and links to the three different interactions with the brain wave.

The first project is to create a flower like image with controlling your mental state. The more you focus, the cursor will move more towards the center, and vice-versa. The more you relax, the color will be more greenish, and the less relax you are, the whiter it will be. You can also control the speed, the number and the thickness of the stroke. You can pause and save the image whenever you find it worth saving. 

This is the link to the video documentation:


These are some works I saved during user testing and presentation. 

The second project I call it Space. You can use your keyboard/mouse to control a planet/black hole to attract all the other small planets in the space. The more you concentrate, the attraction force will be greater. And the planet you are controlling will be redder. And when you lose attention, the planets you have attracted will escape away. 

This is the link to the video documentation:


The third project is more open and more likes an experiment. Your attention level will control the left, right movement of the cursor, and your meditation level will control the up, down movement. You can also manually change the speed, thickness of the painter. 

This is the link to the video documentation:


These are some works I saved during user testing and presentation:

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