Progress Updates x Capstone

Vanelly Garces

Emotion Tagging x Data Visualization

Progress Update

Week 6: Production Schedule Assignment x March 19

Hashtags for the Week: #select #genres #organize

This week I mainly focused on getting an understanding of what songs I wanted to #select to have my future users listen to; I broke it down to where I had about ten songs per #genre.  I ranged this from top pop songs that are currently on the top charts to classic songs within that genre. Apart from this I went ahead and selected a range of emotions that users can select from, I stuck with about nineteen emotions that have a good range of what someone can feel when listening to a song. This week was mostly about just #organizing everything as well as creating a production schedule that would best fit my schedule as well as being as realistic and attainable as possible.

Week 7: Progress Report Assignment x March 26

Hashtags for the Week: #design #style #collect

This week my focus was primarily on trying to understand how I was going to get all of the data #collected. I know that it is going to be all on a website, and I want it to be a simple #design where the main focus is listening to the song and get to just take in what they may feel. This is why the #style of the site will be as minimalistic as possible.

Week 8: In-Class Work on Project x April 2

Hashtags for the Week: #testing  #firstattempt #hectic #manually

This week focused on my #firstattempt out my way of collecting data with users. I had not build the site and decided I would #manually collect data just to start collecting data and getting an understanding on how #testing would go and see how users would respond to this project in general. It was quite #hectic in the beginning on getting a good routine going but once people selected their song and was beginning to get a hang of it I realized how I would continue to move forward and work to continue to make progress.

Week 9: Show & Tell x April 9

Hashtags for the Week: #feedback #progress #switchingup

After this week’s show and tell I was able to get some #feedback from my peers as well as Leon and Anna. Leon pointed out that I should not waste time on the site and continue to just collect data manually and get that going so I can continue to work on the visuals of my project. Another great point that was made was that rather than having so many options and genres for a user to select, it was brought up to just focus on one song. This helps with making sure I collect a sufficient amount of data rather than just having very little data on each point. This brought up a good point  that I didn’t put much thought into and made me realize that having too many selections may not work so well. This helped me #switchup that aspect of my project and stick to just collecting data on two songs.

Week 10: User Testing x April 16

Hashtags for the Week:  #visuals  #colors #p5

After last week’s feedback I was able to focus on two songs that I wanted to continue to get data from, this being “Thank You Next by Ariana Grande” and “Not Steady by Paloma Mami”, I selected these songs based on two things. On the Ariana Grande song I decided that this would be a good song choice given that it is a Top 100 song that most people have heard and could potentially have a lot of different emotions tagged. As for the second song I selected to just focus on, this song is by a new artist and is a multilingual song. This could be interesting on how people would react to this. Another thing that made me decide to select this song was that I want to see how people would categorize this song and if they have any specific genre that they would attach this to. This week I also focused on the #visuals for my project, being inspired by the Arctic Monkeys music and their videos ( I wanted to create something similar for my visuals. I figured that this is something that caters to a minimalistic look that I was aiming from the beginning. I did this through #p5 and stuck with the look of the oscillations waves to fit something as to what AM video looks like given that I felt this was an interesting look.

Week 11: User Testing x April 23

Hashtags for the Week: #stuck #datacollect #feedback #interaction

This week was a bit difficult to work on everything, given that I was a bit #stuck on how I wanted to continue to go about things. Part of my project is to of course make sure that you can #interact with the project, however I was at a point where I did not want to have users add and just focus on showcasing visuals that represent all of the #datacollected. Yet, after this week’s user testing and getting more #feedback from the user testing we did in class. I realized that I had drifted away from my initial project idea. Not only do I have to create something in which a user a can interact with but I also have to remind myself that I should stick with my initial idea as well. This week was definitely taught me something valuable, and that is that when you have an idea or something that you want to do, you should not shy away from it.

Week 12: Final Writing April 30

Hashtags for the Week: #confidence #progress #sitebuilt #organization

After last week and coming to the realization that I should stick with my original concept and not try to take out the interaction part I began to build my site. I have all of the data and visuals in mind ready to go, now it’s a matter of organizing everything to fit a specific look and continue to move forward. Given that this is something I’m planning on working with in the future I went ahead and purchased a domain and got of the logistics set out to where I can have this uploaded somewhere besides the IMA WP. I moved over my code and work onto a site that I would use to publish it all to the public later on as I continue to work on this. I still feel a bit lost on some parts of my project, however the biggest takeaway from this week is that I should focus on organization more if I want to be successful in moving forward with this research.

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