I created a feather falling scene. It has two interactions input: MouseX position and mousePressed. MouseX is mapped to the force of the wind. When the speed of feather increases, the resistance force will also increase( but always smaller than gravity). When the mouse is pressed, the feather will be blown up.

There are two difficult parts of this assignment. The first is to measure the size of the feather, and the second is to add resistance. 



The heading function we learned last week reminded me of a matrix we watched at the first class. So I recreated the Matrix by myself and make the triangles moving around.

But I had some difficulties in making the triangles move to the mouse position in a smooth way.

NOC Week 1

I just realized that I forgot to post the documentation for the assignment on the first week.

link to the project:

There are three groups of circles. The first group follows mouse movements. The second group follows mouseY position. And the third group follows mouseX position.

I also tried noise function to create dynamic movements for the second group and third group. However, because I added too much transparency to these two groups, the movements are not very clear.

NOC Week 2


This week, I tried quadraticVertex function to create different shapes and used OOP to draw the shape. 

Display Function: draw the polygons in a for loop

Shape Function: Change the scale of the polygons

Fall Function: Give polygons speed to fall

ColorChange Function: Gradually darken the color of the polygons.