Class eleven reflection – Ribirth Huang

This is a final project brainstorming class. We are divided into groups of two. and we have an interesting activity before we talk about our final project. The activity is very fun. First we found 15 sets of the same LEGO bricks. Then divide them into two parts. After the people on the right put the 15 blocks together, everyone closed their eyes. The person on the right described the shape of Lego to the person on the left. The person on the left tried to shape the Lego blocks into exactly the same shape. I am the right person, so when I describe it, I choose to tell my partner with as much objective description as possible. Because each LEGO has a different shape, I describe the arrangement of the circular protrusions on the building blocks to my partner to distinguish the different blocks. Finally we succeeded. I think this event is very interesting and it makes us aware of the importance of communication. When we are working in a group or brainstorming, it is also important to know how to clearly understand your thoughts.

Next we introduced each other’s ideas for their final project. After reading the intension of the other party, we stand in the perspective of the other party to ask questions and try to understand each other’s ideas. Then we did research and then wrote as many ideas as possible on paper. I think Xiaoyan’s ideas are very good. I think we need to add some interactions between users to improve the user experience and increase user stickiness. And I think that because of the popularity of parent-child related products, if you narrow down the scope of users, only focus on the gift of parent-child experience, it may attract more users.

Group project: The Auto-Cleaned Cat Bowl – Ribirth Huang

For this group project, we decide to design something that can solve problem for the cat owners. Echo and I are both cat owners, therefore, we raise some common problem during we take care of them, for example, cats are always losing their hair; Cleaning their toilet is not a good experience for us; and we have to clean their food bowl every day. After discussion, we decide to design an auto cleaned bowl for the cat owners. 

The three categories of out design are: discursive agenda, performance, and enchanted object. In my opinion, I think the how to make it follow the discursive agenda is the most difficult part of out project. We think raising a pet is a good way for human to get close to the nature. However, we have to spend a lot of time and spirits on our pet, with the development of technology, more and more automated pet supplies have emerged, but how to find a balance between “automatic feeding” and the experience of taking care of cats is a problem we hope to solve.

For the part of the enchanted object, considering the people’s love for the versatile robotic arm, we decided to make a manipulator that can be manipulated and combine it with the cat food bowl to form a cat bowl that can be cleaned automatically. We used two servos to make this product, one to control the cleaning part and the other to control the angle of the arm. The two servos are controlled by two buttons. That is to say, the front arm in the initial state is horizontal to the ground. When the user presses the control button, the arm will rotate 90 degrees, and the cleaned part will reach the bottom of the bowl. After the user presses the second button, the second servo moves the cleaning cloth to rotate. At first, we dug a hole in the foam base and put the plastic bowl in, but the robotic arm would get stuck because of the bowl when it was rotating, and it could not rotate normally. After encountering this problem, we decided to make the cat bowl with a plastic bag and dig the base so that the arm could pass freely.

In the cleaning part we got inspiration from the lint roller. We changed the traditional thinking of using water to clean, and we used cotton to make a washer that can be used to remove the used parts. After many failures, we found that the viscosity of the lint roller is the most appropriate. The adhesiveness of the double-sided adhesive will damage the cotton cloth, so we put the material in the order of a layer of cotton cloth and a layer of stickers to make a cleaning part. And we added instructions below the button, we marked “wash” and “up” respectively, so that users can think less when using, enhance the experience.

Make Tools Workshop and Six Hats Workshop- Ribirth Huang

In this class we learned about the Enchanted design, this is also the form of design that needs to be done in our group project. So in the Making tool workshop, our common goal with other teams is to solve problems with cats. Because I have two cats, I suggested that the biggest worry for raising cats is to clean their toilets every day and clean their meals every day. Since there are already a lot of products about cat toilets on the market, we decided to focus on solving the problem of rice bowl cleaning. Unexpectedly, after deciding on the problem, Leon asked us to switch to the next group to solve the problem they asked. Their problem is that sometimes we forget to feed the cat and cause the cat to be hungry. I think this is also a very good question. I and my team members agreed that a robot that automatically feeds cats should be designed. On this machine, we can set the time and weight of automatic feeding. For example, 100 grams of cat food will be automatically fed without five hours. When the machine fails, it will make a sound to remind people to check. Then we switched to the next group, then we need to make a simple prototype for the solution proposed in the previous group. The problem with this group is about communication between people and cats. The solution is to make a program that translates the sounds of the cat and translates the human language into a sound that the cat can understand. We think this solution is more difficult. So we designed an app, the main interface is divided into two, the left side can record their own voice, and translated into the cat’s voice, and the right side can record the cat’s voice, translated into human language. I think this workshop is very interesting. It allows us to not only be limited to the problems we have come up with, but also to think from others’ perspectives and get more design inspiration.

For the six hats workshop, we are divided into five groups. Each group represents a different role in solving the problem. Every hat is indispensable in the process of solving problems. The role of our group is white, which is the fact. This part seems to be the simplest, but I think this part is the basis of design. Only when we clearly understand the reality, can we think about the next step. After clearing out her characters, we watched an interview video about Eric, who described his current situation and some of the problems he faced. After watching, we summed up some facts about Eric. The facts about meditation are the most important, and this is what we need to solve. Of course, the schedule that Eric mentioned and his daily habits are not to be ignored.

Tiny Habit – Ribirth Huang

Whenever I take a photo with my iPhone, I always habitually take a lot of similar photos of the same thing, in order to find out what I think is the best from a bunch of similar photos. After picking out the photo I think is the best, I might share it on social media or send it to friends and family, but I won’t open my album to delete the dozens of similar photos. So, there are always a lot of similar photos in my album, which takes up most of the iPhone’s memory. I want to design a system that reminds the user to organize the album and link it to the action I open every time I open the album.

Opening an album is a trigger for this system, but it is not mandatory and the user can choose to use it or not. It will automatically recognize photos with high similarity and automatically sort and pick out the images that the system considers to be the most satisfied with. When I open the album, it will automatically remind me if I want to organize the photo. If I choose to organize my albums, It will show me each photo collection and the best photos. I can re-select the best photo or follow the system suggestions and delete the rest of the similar photos. The motivation for doing this is to reserve more storage space for my iPhone, and the photos will be more organized.

Week 3 Presentation Response – Ribirth Huang

            David Rose has analyzed how and why the screen – pixel space has been added. In my opinion, the appearance of screen has indeed changed the way of human information transmission and also increased the amount of information that can be received by human under certain spatial conditions. But I don’t think the growth of screens is directly proportional to the acceptance of information. Similar to robot manufacturing, there is “information receive vally”, that is, when the number of pixel space reaches a certain height, people will become bored with the content on the screen and find it difficult to accept, and the information will be greatly reduced. How to design these pixel Spaces, and how to control the number, will be a question to be considered. Similarly, for the design of robot, there is also the problem of how to grasp the degree of similarity between human and robot.

            I think his analysis of magical objects and how they relate to real-life product design is very interesting. Indeed, magic in film and television is often independent of real conditions, so they are as close as possible to the ability most desired by human beings. So it’s smart to take inspiration from this “magic” and translate it into everyday product design. When a real product can bring “magic” to the user to some extent, and bring visual, sensory and psychological impact, it will be very attractive.