NOC – Week 6: Attraction (Wentao)

When the program started, there will be a large ellipse in the center.

After clicking the mouse, different size ellipses will appear on the canvas at the mouse position. The small ellipses will be attracted by the large ellipse and the attraction is determined by the size of the ellipse.

The ellipses will collide with each other. For the small ellipses, their size will get smaller after each collision. 

NOC: Inspirations – Wentao Wang

This is the link to my presentation slides

My inspiration is mainly based on my experience with 3D modeling and animation. I am amazed by how realistic modeling is able to achieve. 

I think this is somehow related to the nature of code in the way that both are trying to simulate reality. In 3D modeling, we simulate how virtual objects could appear and behave in the real world. And in nature of code, we utilize math and physical tools to create art as well. 

NOC – Week 4: Forces (Wentao)

This is my first project. 10 ellipses will appear randomly on the canvas. Gravity and air friction are added to the ellipses. If you press the mouse, a force directing to the mouse position will be applied to the ellipses. The ellipses will move accordingly.

This is my second project. I added different resistance to simulate different media. I also altered the bouncing force of the top and bottom edge of the canvas to create different dynamics. The collision parameters of the ellipses are also changed to provide more momentum. Mouse press function still applies in this project as well.

NOC – Week 3: Vectors (Wentao)

This is the initial setting of the project. This is a simulated spring. When you move your cursor onto the gray part of the rectangle, it will turn bright and you can move it up an down.

After you press the spring with your mouse, then you can release your mouse. The spring will bounce up and down while colorful rectangles will fly out of the spring. 

The rectangles will fall on to the floor due to gravity. And disappear after a while.