Week 09: Video Project Idea Vincent – Moon

For the video project, I am working with Milly, Oona, and me.

Our idea for the video project is something on the docks of “truth and lies”. The point of this is that there are two perspectives to every conversation, and that some may be lies and some may be truth, but the point of the lies could be to either make the person feel better or worse.

We would have three different scenarios, each with a different actor (Milly, Oona, Vincent), and there is two similar scenes, the difference being that the scenes show the lie and the truth.

Week 08: Danger of a Single Story Vincent – Moon

I really enjoyed this ted talk, not only because of the story itself, but it also made me reminisce on my freshman year when I watched this in GPS.

Overall, I thought this was a interesting ted talk because the summary of the story is to look and understand things from multiple perspectives, and to not limit yourself to things you believe in. Question the beliefs of others not in offending ways, but understanding other’s stories.

Week 08: Audio Project Vincent – Moon

For the audio project, I worked with Chloe and Susie.

The first day of the project, we spent a lot of time brainstorming, thinking of ideas. We went through like 3 different plans, but in the end we came up with the idea of a long distance relationship between two people and them calling each other. An idea Dave gave us was to make their voices farther apart by formatting the audio clips to play from the left and right audio.

We split the work into website making and audio clip working. Susie would work on the website, while Chloe and I worked on recording and the audio clips.

Before we worked on the recording, we created a script and made many changes. Chloe and I did the voices of the story’s main characters, and it was really fun to do the recording. We used a blue yeti to record. One of the problems we also had was people making noise in the background, but we fixed it by changing the sensitivity of the microphone.

After recording, we stated working on the audio clips, which was the more annoying part because it was a lot more work than we thought. We had to do 16 different audio clips, and also search for audio clips online for background noises etc. Once we were finished with the audio clips, we just had to implement them into the website and we would be finished with the project.

Overall, I was very happy with this project because everyone did their part and I felt that our idea of the project got implemented well.