Week 4: JavaScript Conditional “Walking Man” Exercise – Tenielle Ellis

This is my link to the “walking man” exercise. It was a bit frustrating in the beginning because I would make small mistakes when linking the index.html to styles.css and scripts.js  just because I forgot the ‘s’ at the end of styles and scripts. I also had a difficult time linking the opacity to my images, so it took me a while to figure it out. 

Finally got it though!


Week 3: Comic Project Update – Tenielle Ellis

Group: Vincent, Susie, and Tenielle. We have all worked on our comic project website, and this is what we have so far. We drew and looked online for the visual assets. The visual assets we found online mainly consists of the houses that will potentially be included on the timeline. The PNG of the wood will be used as one of our materials. 

Lastly, we added some screenshots of our (in the process) website!


These are some of the houses we have researched & found so far (we will later draw and/or animate them to similarly mock these images):


The ones we drew consists of a character walking, talking, standing, and showing:



This is the’ title page’ screenshots from our website (goes from dark to the lit ‘title’: 

Here is our coding: 

Week 3: 1st Project – Combining CSS + About Me – Tenielle Ellis


Hey guys! This is my link ^ to my first project, linking the css exercise we learned and my About Me page. I thought it would be cool to combine these two, because I was really proud of my first version “About Me” page and took a while working on that (especially since I’ve never built my own website before). However, the css exercise was a whole other process that also took me a while to get used to. 

I used the style.css program aside my index.html to help personalize my website. I used a lot of the: justify-content, align-items, align-content, and text-align to basically center all of my photos and content, because personally I believe centering is aesthetically pleasing! 

I also played around a lot with the width and height of the images, because I wasn’t too sure what would be appropriate values, so I just experimented and came out with exactly what i wanted (same height and width on most of the images). 

One thing that was difficult for me, was connecting what I was trying to style to the actual style.css program on Atom! I would cross my fingers whenever making adjustments there and then refresh my page to see if there was any actual difference. Something that I did enjoy was the outcome of my page, because I feel I definitely incorporated what we learned in css — like centering the images, title, and body, changing the font, font-size, and color of the texts, and using the flex-box to make the website how it is now!