Quick and Dirty Design Cycle Refection – Emerald Dou

Group Members: Peter Huang, Ribirth Huang, Sylvia, Emerald Dou

User: Cindy

Before the 2nd class we watched an interview video of Cindy and made a user profile according to the video. During the class time we filled out the empathy map canvas, and listed Cindy’s problems and based on these we picked one main problem that we were about to solve.

The biggest problem for Cindy is that she will always be distracted by notifications/advertisements from apps when working on her personal projects. So aiming at this we decided to design an app that can set limits on these distracting factors. We first agreed that it should be an app that can take control of all other apps in the phone. When designing, we  thought of several elements that can contribute to this app, for instance, user can sort those apps according to her own preference, or the app will automatically sort those apps according to hours of use. Besides, this app may limit the time of user using a certain app. User can also turn on/off the notifications from apps, and since even in one app there will be notifications that user want and doesn’t want, these various types of notifications will be shown in the app.

Considering the problem is distracting factors rather than excessive time of using phone, we finally decided to focus only on notifications. So the main page of this app will be:

<main page>

On the left side there will be a list of apps in Cindy’s phone (sorted by hours of use and can be edited by user). When she click on one of them the app shows a list of different types of notifications from this app. Cindy can swipe a notification to the left is she doesn’t want this type, and swipe to the right if she wants. This app will remember Cindy’s choice and the phone will no more give Cindy those notifications. But if she some day wants that type of notifications again, she can definitely go back to this app and swipe to the right.