Week 1: Response to “The Machine Stops” E. M. Forster – Oona Pecson

In all, “The Machine” paints a picture of a future society that is quite different and contradictory to ours now. The Machine is a flying society of its own, in which people have been raised to grow dependent on it for their own survival. It’s as if they cannot live without its function, and as shown in the rather dark end of the reading, this is exactly the case. In a way, it shows how the more technology evolves and advances, the more humans give into it and are eventually lost. The people treat The Machine as if it is a God, or a ruler in which they are the obedient and passionate servants who wait at its feet. When Kuno calls his mother, Vishta (using some holographic display, possibly like that of R2D2’s) he expresses his desire to see her physically. She is devoid of feeling such emotions for her son as a result of the way society is now, after being so entangled with technology. She says that it really isn’t necessary. However, the biggest scene is when Kuno finally expressed his desire to go down to the Earth’s surface in the way their ancestors once did. This is when Vishta was shocked out of the water. She did not know how her son could possibly get such ideas, and was disappointed for having to call him her son. This is very unusual, as in today’s society having huge ideas that have potential  for greatness are praised. In fact, the biggest fans of those creators are most likely going to be their parents! The fact that most of these life changing ideas that change our society today are usually electronic/ dealing with technology is so interesting, because Kuno arguably having much simpler ideas to do a simple task are looked down upon by so many, including his own mother. It also shows that, by this point in time where the story takes place, that technology has advanced so much to the point where there are no breakthroughs (at least one can assume this if The Machine has risen to a God status by now).  In the end, this story highlights the possible dangers of technology advancement in the future, but also gives an insight into the plethora of possibilities humans have to change the world in a technological standpoint. It is interesting to be able to read these kinds of stories and fully take in the life we are able to live today, all the while observing the many ways in which technology changes it.