Video Project *Final* – Oona, Milly and Vincent (Moon)


Our project idea was inspired by moments when you are in a situation, and think one thing but choose to say or do something different. Therefore, we had the sayings “imagination” and “IRL (In real life)” in our options.

I focused mainly on editing and did some filming in scenes, and my partners also did more editing/story development/ coding for the website. In the end, I think we worked really well together! Making this project was really fun, and I’m really happy and proud with the result 🙂

Below are some pictures from my editing POV and the final site (where you can choose what scenario you want to see)

Week 10: In Class Video Practice (Moon)

This is my practice 😀

It was techniques that I already knew, but in a new editing application.

I think it went well!

Video Project Idea – Oona, Milly, & Vincent

We were able to come up with an idea pretty straight away! Milly had the initial idea of an alternate universe where people only speak the truth, and have been doing so since the beginning of time. We all thought this was a really good idea, and are starting to think about how we want to format it. As of now, we are thinking of using the branching idea for the flow of the story, similar to that of the comic project we did earlier this semester. We also decided that the audience will be able to choose to see the truth, or what the actor is actually thinking.

In terms of actors and scenarios, we decided that it will be the three of us acting out these scenarios. We will have one centered around each of us, and different setting/ narration will occur in each of our scenes.

I’m looking forward to seeing how this will go, because it seems like this project will be able to evoke many emotions (annoyance, awkwardness, funniness, etc.), so we can play around and see what we can do to get a good reaction from the audience!

Other details are still in the works, and this plan may change, but for now this is what we have developed 😀

Interactive Audio Project – Allie and Oona

Partner : Allie


Process :  For this project, Allie was mainly in charge of audio and arranging titles and fonts in css, while I illustrated visual elements and was in charge of the coding. This was a little difficult to start with, but after I got the hang of what I needed to do to code the project, it managed to work out! I’m glad that it was able to come together the way it did 🙂 also, we decided to not use images of the food items from the internet, because the concept and idea for our project, as well as the coding, is generally straight forward and simple. We wanted to add more depth to the project, so the icons were hand drawn.


Thoughts : Overall, I’m grateful for the experience this project gave me, because I was able to see the potential of my own abilities. Although there were some issues we faced with the appearance or the outcome of our project along the way, I think we both worked well and did our best!