Recitation 4: Drawing Machine by Madeline Shedd


  • 1- stepper motor
  • 1- ic chip
  • 1-power jack
  • 1-12 VDC power supply
  • 1-Arduino kit and its contents
  • 2 -Laser-cut short arms
  • 2-Laser-cut long arms
  • 1-Laser-cut motor holder
  • 2-3D printed motor coupling
  • 5-Paper Fasteners
  • Pen
  • Paper

Step 1: Build the Circuit

Circuit Schematic

Circuit in Action

Using the schematic provided on the recitation exercise instructions, I carefully connected all the wires to the breadboard in their correct places. I double checked my connections twice to make sure the 12 volt power supply wasn’t connected to my computer in any way, I didn’t want to fry my new computer. After checking to make sure all my wiring was correct, I connected my Arduino to my computer and uploaded the code. At this point I hadn’t plugged in the 12 volt power source yet, but the stepper motor started to move with just the power provided from the Arduino. I was surprised and at first thought I did something wrong. I consulted one of the fellows for assurance I hadn’t wired something wrong and was hurting my computer was the stepper motor continued to move. Thankfully it wasn’t doing any damage so I continued onto the next step without using the 12 volt power source.

Step 2: Add Potentiometer

Circuit with Potentiometer Schematic

Circuit with Potentiometer

Stepper Motor with Potentiometer

I found following the Tinkercad schematic from Arduino’s site was helpful in figuring out how to connect the potentiometer. After I connected the potentiometer to the circuit, I opened the new code in Arduino, changed the number of steps to 200, and uploaded that code to the Arduino. I was confused on why the stepper motor wasn’t following the potentiometers movements and asked my partner if she was having a similar issue. We then came to to conclusion I had simply forgotten to add the map() function to my code. Once that was put in place, the circuit worked as planned.

Step 3: Build a Drawing Machine

Drawing Machine

Putting the drawing machine together was easier than building the circuits needed to make it work. We weren’t met with any big issues, other than putting one of the drawing hands on backwards at first that we quickly noticed and fixed. Our drawing didn’t really end up looking like anything, nonetheless it was able to draw some squiggly oval shapes pretty decently.

Question 1:

I would love to build a device that would help me organize my clothes. I have a tendency to organize it all once and then it ends up a mess of shirts and jackets that is impossible to find anything in. It’d be a device you could instal in your closet that could be set up to organize your hangers in a certain way, by color or type of clothing. All you’d have to do is put the piece of clothing on a hanger and it’d do the rest. An actuator could be used to move the “hanger hand” back and forth across the closet when reorganizing the clothes.

Question 2:

After looking at The Giant Painting Machine by Douglas Irving Repetto, I noticed how similar it was to our very simple small drawing machine. Both create abstract art and art controlled by mechanical elements that are responsible for the creation of the art piece. But Repetto’s device is significantly more refined and interesting to watch in action. The actuators used for his project were also probably chosen to be able to use a wider range of movement and use a higher level of precision when moving as well. Im sure if our drawing machine had components like that, the drawings it made would be more pleasing to look at.

Group Project Reflection by Madeline Shedd

Definition of Interaction

I believe interaction to be defined as when two individual entities “converse” and intelligently respond to each other’s shared information. But the tricky part about pinpointing whether or not something is interactive is dependent on what you think an intelligent response is. Is a simple action like switching a light on or sounding a buzzer intelligent? One could even argue that some conversations between humans lack intelligent responses. I think as long as there is something more than just a simple true or false logic behind the result, it can be considered intelligent. 

Project Comparison

Project that aligns with my definition: The Pulse Room (

This project matches my definition because it is dependent on another individual for the device to work. Once the person comes in contact with the sensors, the device tracks and displays something completely unique to that individual. Without the person interacting with the sensors, the project wouldn’t be able to serve its purpose. Also because it creates a unique visual representation of a persons pulse, this shows an intelligent response occurring.

Project that doesn’t align with my definition: LED Coffee Table (

Even though this project is dependent on an outside force to work, the logic behind the change of color is whether or not an object is present. This is a simple boolean logic therefore is doesn’t match up with my definition of interaction. Although she is able to change the color on her phone and set the brightness. But this isn’t interaction either since she isn’t actually interacting with the table itself, technically the phone is.

Our Project

MiniMi Poster

The idea for the MiniMi stemmed from some of our group member’s a lack of companionship during childhood and through all of us knowing how hard it is to make decisions sometimes. So, we thought what better way to fix these problems than to create something that would be personalized for each person. This AI would be able to replicate “you” and your desires, habits, likes, dislikes, etc. while also figuring out what the best course of action would be. The AI would also be constantly developing and changing just as much as the user does in real time. We wanted the embodiment of this AI  to not be limited to just one physical thing, so we gave it the freedom to be placed into any object the user wished, adding to the level of customization.

MiniMi follows my definition of interaction quite well because it receives massive amounts of input which it then is able to understand and literally communicate back to the user in an intelligent manner. Not only does it work with the information it is given to by the user, it uses outside statistics and takes this data into consideration as well. It also is constantly receiving new information that is changing the kind of responses the MiniMi will give.

Recitation 3: Sensors by Madeline Shedd

March 1, 2019

Vibration Sensor


  • Breadboard
  • Arduino Uno
  • Piezo Disk
  • Red LED
  • 220 ohm Resistor
  • 1 mega ohm Resistor
  • Jumper Cables

Vibration Sensor Circuit Schematic

Vibration Sensor Circuit

We used the the picture on the Arduino website to help us picture out how to set up the Piezo disk correctly, we then added the LED, and uploaded the sample code to the Arduino Uno. But we were having trouble getting the sensor to sense anything. We at first thought it was something wrong with he code, but turns out we had the incorrect resistor in. After switching in a 1 mega ohm resistor, the light wouldn’t turn on when the sensor picked something up. We examined the circuit again and found we had accidentally plugged the input wire into ground instead of pin 13. Once we fixed that the circuit worked as intended.

Moisture Sensor


  • Breadboard
  • Arduino Uno
  • Moisture Sensor
  • Red LED
  • 220 ohm Resistor
  • Jumper Cables

Moisture Sensor Circuit

After checking the website provided on the recitation instructions, we were still a little confused on how to connect the moisture sensor correctly. So we used the circuit diagram from another website that was much clearer to us (  We kept the LED part of the circuit in the same place and also used the same code as the Vibration Sensor circuit. We hadn’t expected the code to work for this circuit as well, but it was a nice surprise.

Question 1:

For both our circuits, we set them up so when either a vibration or moisture was detected a LED light would turn on. The vibration sensor can be used in an advanced security system. When it’s armed, if theres a disturbance felt on the floor or walls it would go off and alert the security guards of a possible break in. The moisture sensor could be used to check for leaks in plumbing in hard to see places. If there’s a pipe thats harder to see, a repairman could use this sensor to run along the pipe to check for small bits of possible leakage thats hard to see.

Question 2:

Computers are really dumb, so you have to tell it everything it has to do as clear and concise as you can. Very similar to a recipe for a cake. A recipe lays out all the necessary ingredients and directions for the process of making the cake. If the recipe leaves out an important piece of the instructions, like what temperature to set the oven at, chances are you ‘ll do something wrong and the end result will suffer. In the case of a computer, if something is missing or doesn’t compute completely correctly it will give up and produce an error.

Question 3:

The computer has become an integral part of being a person in today’s society. This reliance has both proven to be both good and bad. Today it’s very easy to stay connected and access unlimited amounts of information through the use of computers. But because these computers have taken the place of other human behaviors, our ability do do these tasks has suffered greatly. For me personally, I depend greatly on the calendar on my phone. If I don’t put an event or reminder in my calendar, I’m unable to remember even the most simple of things. Before my phone, I had a fairly decent memory but not that I don’t have to remember certain pieces of information I’ve become dependent on this feature. It’ll only be a matter of time before more human traits like this become less and less essential to only be replaced by tech.

Recitation 2: Arduino Basics by Madeline Shedd

February 25th, 2019


  • Arduino Uno
  • USB A to B cable
  • Breadboard
  • Buzzer
  • LEDs
  • 220-ohm resistors
  • 10K-ohm resistors
  • Pushbuttons
  • A handful of jumper cables

Circuit 1: Fade

Circuit 1 Diagram

Circuit 1

Since we have become more comfortable reading schematics for simpler circuits, we were able to build the circuit fairly quickly. After uploading the code and trying it the first time, we found that the LED was really dim. But it did noticeably fade as planned. We at first thought it was something wrong with the LED itself, but it turned out we had the wrong resistor in. After switching out the 10K resistor with a 220 resistor, the circuit worked perfectly.

Circuit 2: toneMelody

Circuit 2 Diagram

Circuit 2

Building this circuit was really easy because it only required a buzzer, leaving no room for us to use the wrong resistor this time.  It worked the first time we uploaded the code onto the Arduino Uno board. 

Circuit 3: Speed Game

Circuit 3

Circuit 3 Tinkercad

Circuit 3 Schematic

Circuit 3

This circuit looked a little daunting when we started. After digesting the instructions and the pictures given on Tinkercad we were able to build the circuit. After putting everything together, we thought we did something wrong in our wiring because nothing was happening when we pressed any of the buttons. But it wasn’t anything wrong with the circuit itself, we had just forgotten to use the serial monitor to start the game. The Speed Game was then fully operational.

Circuit 4: 4-Player Speed Game

Circuit 4

Once finding another group to team up with, we started working on the code. We basically copied the parts that had something for “player 1” and “player 2” and added two more players. Then we connected two breadboards, one having just LEDs and buttons, and uploaded our code. It worked the first try.

Question 1:

Today, its almost impossible to function without some sort of connection to technology. I can’t think of anyone I know who doesn’t come in contact with some sort of computer on a daily basis. There are many purposes and jobs these devices and programs serve, but they all run on the same simple principle of input and output. By building these circuits, we can see it very clearly when we input code and an output, like a flashing light or a tune playing, is the result. And interaction is the loop of inputting some form of information or command that returns an output based on the input. 

Question 2:

I’d want to create an art installation that would make it seem like you’re walking through the stars. It’d be a large room that would give the illusion of being endless like outer space itself. I’m not sure where I’d want to put it, just somewhere many people would be able to experience it. It’d be simplistic but beautiful and calming to be in.

Recitation 1: Electronics and Soldering (Madeline Shedd)

Recitation 1: Electronics and Soldering

February 15th, 2019

Partner: Henry S


This weeks recitation focused on learning the basics of circuits and soldering by completing a few simple circuits based on a schematic.


  • Breadboard: the base of the circuit, it allows for power to flow through a series of connections between different parts of a circuit
  • LM7805 Voltage Regulator: converts 12V to 5V, a voltage the buzzer can handle
  • Buzzer: outputs a sound when supplied with the correct amount of power
  • Push-Button Switch: opens and closes the circuit, lets electricity flow when wanted
  • Arcade Button: the same concept as the switch, depending on the user it allows electricity to flow when pushed down
  • 220-ohm Resistor: adjusts the resistance of the electricity so the correct amount of power flows through the circuit
  • LED: light-emitting diode, the “lamp” of this exercise
  • 100 nF (0.1uF) Capacitor: used to stabilize the flow of electricity by storing power while the circuit is connected to power and releases it once power is disconnected
  • 10K ohm Variable Resistor (Potentiometer): adjusts the amount of resistance so more or less voltage is let through
  • 12-volt power supply: provides power to the circuit
  • Barrel Jack: the connection that supplies the power
  • Assorted Jumper Cables: connects the components of the circuit together

Circuit 1: Doorbell

Circuit 1 Diagram

Circuit 1

We didn’t have too much difficulty piecing everything together on this first circuit. Once we were able to understand the schematic, we thought we had everything in the correct place. But we were having problems making the buzzer make a sound. We rechecked connecting wires and moved the capacitor around and still no sound. We then decided to ask for a little help because we didn’t know what else could be wrong. After getting help, we exchanged the voltage regulator and still no sound, switched the buzzer and yet again got no sound. So we got another voltage regulator and tried one last time and the circuit worked perfectly.

Circuit 2: Lamp

Circuit 2 Diagram

Circuit 2

Creating the circuit for this one was much easier than the first one since we didn’t have to deal with faulty parts this time. We basically kept everything the same except for removing the buzzer and adding in the resistor and LED. After doing this, the light successfully turned on our first try.

Circuit 3: Dimmable Lamp

Circuit 3 Diagram

Circuit 3

This circuit was also pretty easy as well. We at first mixed up the wire positions for the potentiometer, but after rechecking the schematic we were able to figure it out. We also added on the arcade button at this stage, it was a very simple exchange. Once everything was connected, the circuit worked as planned.

Question 1:

I do believe these circuits have some level of interactivity. We can see this because we have to interact with it, push a button or twist a potentiometer, and then getting a result from that interaction, the light turning on or a buzzer going off. But this interaction stops with this result. The text presents the definition, “interaction: a cyclic process in which two actors alternately listen, think, and speak”. The circuit listens to us by responding to our actions, but it’s not like the light will speak back to us or have some effect that prompts us to do something in return. Because of this, the circuits can be interacted with but to a low level of interactivity.

Question 2:

By combining interaction design and physical computing, you’re just opening a new door for self-expression another medium. Through this self-expression, you can connect with others who view your work. With interactive art, you can connect with your audience in a much more intimate way. In Zack Lieberman’s video, not only did he intrigue his audience greatly, the got up close and interacted with his work which probably left a bigger imprint on them rather than if they had just observed. With this extra ability to be able to convey more and to have your audience literally experience a piece of artwork is, in my opinion, more memorable and touching than simply just viewing a painting.