Find your Pokemon – Karen Zhang – Eric


We create this “Find your Pokemon” game as an exploration and it also tests your outsight and memory. In the limited time, we design three themes, including garden, dark forest, and groove. From the left to right, each game behind each theme is harder than the previous one. Users need to click the mouse on the clues they find to finish the game within 20 seconds. Each time you find the clue, a part of the Pokemon’s contour will show up and it will trigger the next clue from static to moving. Once you finish the game within 20 seconds, you will get the reward, a small size Pokemon. Our main interaction is relied on the game itself, how you choose the theme, how to interact with the flowers, candles, and mushroom in each setting, and get a gift in the end.

Our main concern at first is how the users can interact with the game. We think about leap motion at first, but this idea is rejected by Eric. So we planned to use brightness tracking, however, the outcome was not good. I found the darkest room in order to test the game, it did not work out very well in terms of accuracy. In the end, we decided to use the simplest and clearest way to interact by using a mouse.

Second, we decided to recreate three “Poke boxes.” Initially, we wanted to hide the gifts inside of the Poke balls, but soon we found that it would be really hard to make a ball open. In the end, we created three Poke boxes. Moreover, the reason why we did not use the laser cut is that the laser cut is unable to achieve our goal to make it related to Poke balls. We use the element of Poke ball not in the boxes but also in the introduction and instruction of the game. Overall, our game is tightly connected to the element of Pokemon. It is necessary for us to apply a certain element to our design. In the meanwhile, I basically draw and design every part of the game in processing, I even draw the gifs by each frame.

The purpose of the whole project is designed to utilize a boring time when people already buy the tickets and wait for the movie in the cinema. The design of our game relies on Pokemon and its new movie. We hope this game can be applied to the cinema and improve the interaction between the movie and audiences, which can also be an approach to advertise the movie. So it should be an interesting game and users can be very satisfied to gain a gift in the end.


I am in charge of the processing and drawing part. Anna is in charge of the boxes and Arduino.

In terms of the processing’s code, I literally did not have any experience in coding before. With the help of many fellows and professors, I learn a lot from this process. I use a lot of boolean, millis, condition, if function to make the game work. I also use the Gif Animation library from Drawing is a very significant part of our project. Even though it sounds like a minor part, I took a lot of time to draw the backgrounds for different themes. I also draw every frame and made them into a gif. In order to make the contour of the Pokemon accurate, I used the grid paper to locate and calculate the coordinate (see sketch above). I spend a lot of work on designing this to make the game more beautiful. See all the gifs and backgrounds below, I draw them all by myself.

I am not sure why there are some issues with the last gif, it should be moving…


There are also some pictures of how Anna designed the boxes.

I think the most successful adaption we made is the timer suggested by Eric. Without the timer, the users do not want to try this game again. During the user test, I design the timer by simply showing the number, many users do not notice that the timer exists. And we also noticed that some very clever users can pass the most difficult setting within 30 seconds. So I adjusted the time to 20 seconds and design the new timer. Moreover, some users complained that the instruction was too long and they did not want to read it. So we reduced the content and highlighted the most important part for the users. Lastly, we borrowed a wired mouse from the equipment room to improve the user’s experience while clicking the mouse. I think the most successful part of our project is the reward system, lots of users think they really like the reward system since they can have the gift eventually.


The goal of our project is to let the audiences interact with the Pokemon while waiting for the movie. We design this game to utilize spare time before the movie time. In the previous research, I redefine “interaction” as human-centered experience with reward and a process of exploration with multiple and unexpected alternatives. For instance, the project Click Canvas is a highly interactive project made by Natthakit KIMBAB Kang, which provides multiple alternatives for users to explore and the user does not necessarily know what will come out in the next step. And the processing of matching in our project fits into the new definition I give to interaction as an experience involved with curiosity and uncertainty. In our game, we give user three options to choose and we design the order of the lines so the user definitely has a difficult time identifying which Pokemon is at first. Playing this game is also an adventure and exploration for the users.

Furthermore, Anna and I really spend time reflecting on our last project, we strongly feel that we must add the “reward” part to our final project. It turns out to be the part that most users love. I do think that reflecting on the past project and previous shortcomings help us build this game. On Thursday’s presentation, another group also adds the reward part in their project, not so naturally, but I think chocolate is a good idea. Considering the limited budget, we bought 16 Pokemon in total and they were soon given out to the kids in the IMA show. We never expect that the kids will love this game so much.

If we have more time, we will definitely add sound, more themes, and different kinds of Pokemon in the game. And we will improve the instruction part, people still complain there are too many words on it. We will make it into an interesting animation with sound to introduce to the users how this game works.

One of the users is very excited to get her Pikachu in the final show

One of the users is very excited to get her Pikachu in the final show

A boy is playing our game!!!

Some screenshots of the game:



Processing Code:

import processing.serial.*;

Serial myPort;
int valueFromArduino;

import gifAnimation.*;

int condition;

int startCharmander; //start time
int startBulbasaur;
int startPikachu;
boolean hasWonC = false; // timer situation
boolean hasWonB = false;
boolean hasWonP = false;

PImage introduction;
PImage instruction;
PImage timeboard; // timer

PImage night;
PImage l1;
PImage r1;
PImage l2;
PImage r2;
PImage l3;
PImage r3;
PImage l4;
PImage[] animation;
boolean candleLight = false;
boolean candleLight2 = false;
boolean candleLight3 = false;
boolean candleLight4 = false;
boolean candleLight5 = false;
boolean candleLight6 = false;
boolean candleLight7 = false;

//Gif loopingGif;
//Gif nonLoopingGif;
Gif can;
Gif can2;
Gif can3;
Gif can4;
Gif can5;
Gif can6;
Gif can7;
Gif can8;
//boolean pause = false;
PImage grassland;
PImage bl1;
PImage br1;
PImage bl2;
PImage br2;
PImage bl3;
PImage br3;
PImage bl4;
PImage br4;
boolean bloom = false;
boolean bloom2 = false;
boolean bloom3 = false;
boolean bloom4 = false;
boolean bloom5 = false;
boolean bloom6 = false;
boolean bloom7 = false;

Gif grass;
Gif grass2;
Gif grass3;
Gif grass4;
Gif grass5;
Gif grass6;
Gif grass7;

PImage grove;
PImage pl1;
PImage pr1;
PImage pl2;
PImage pr2;
PImage pl3;
PImage pr3;
boolean grow = false;
boolean grow2 = false;
boolean grow3 = false;
boolean grow4 = false;
boolean grow5 = false;
boolean grow6 = false;

Gif mushroom;
Gif mushroom2;
Gif mushroom3;
Gif mushroom4;
Gif mushroom5;
Gif mushroom6;

public void setup() {

// this prints out the list of all available serial ports on your computer.

myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[16], 9600);

introduction = loadImage(“introduction.png”);
instruction = loadImage(“instruction.png”);
timeboard = loadImage(“timeboard.png”);

night = loadImage(“night.jpg”);
grassland = loadImage(“grassland.png”);
grove = loadImage(“grove.jpg”);

l1 = loadImage(“l1.png”);
r1 = loadImage(“r1.png”);
l2 = loadImage(“l2.png”);
r2 = loadImage(“r2.png”);
l3 = loadImage(“l3.png”);
r3 = loadImage(“r3.png”);
l4 = loadImage(“l4.png”);

bl1 = loadImage(“bl1.png”);
br1 = loadImage(“br1.png”);
bl2 = loadImage(“bl2.png”);
br2 = loadImage(“br2.png”);
bl3 = loadImage(“bl3.png”);
br3 = loadImage(“br3.png”);
bl4 = loadImage(“bl4.png”);
br4 = loadImage(“br4.png”);

pl1 = loadImage(“pl1.png”);
pr1 = loadImage(“pr1.png”);
pl2 = loadImage(“pl2.png”);
pr2 = loadImage(“pr2.png”);
pl3 = loadImage(“pl3.png”);
pr3 = loadImage(“pr3.png”);

size(1280, 720);

println(“gifAnimation ” + Gif.version());
//// create the GifAnimation object for playback
//loopingGif = new Gif(this, “lavalamp.gif”);
//nonLoopingGif = new Gif(this, “lavalamp.gif”);
//// create the PImage array for the interactive display
////animation = Gif.getPImages(this, “lavalamp.gif”);

can = new Gif(this, “candle.gif”);
can2 = new Gif(this, “candle.gif”);
can3 = new Gif(this, “candle.gif”);;
can4 = new Gif(this, “candle.gif”);
can5 = new Gif(this, “candle.gif”);
can6 = new Gif(this, “candle.gif”);
can7 = new Gif(this, “candle.gif”);
can8 = new Gif(this, “candle.gif”);

grass = new Gif(this, “grass.gif”);
grass2 = new Gif(this, “grass.gif”);
grass3 = new Gif(this, “grass.gif”);
grass4 = new Gif(this, “grass.gif”);
grass5 = new Gif(this, “grass.gif”);
grass6 = new Gif(this, “grass.gif”);
grass7 = new Gif(this, “grass.gif”);

mushroom = new Gif(this, “mushroom.gif”);
mushroom2 = new Gif(this, “mushroom.gif”);
mushroom3 = new Gif(this, “mushroom.gif”);
mushroom4 = new Gif(this, “mushroom.gif”);
mushroom5 = new Gif(this, “mushroom.gif”);
mushroom6 = new Gif(this, “mushroom.gif”);

void draw() {
if (condition==0) {
// myPort.write(‘E’);
image(introduction, 0, 0, 1280, 720);
if (mousePressed && mouseX >600 && mouseX <680 && mouseY >180 && mouseY <320) {

if (condition==1) {
image(instruction, 0, 0, 1280, 720);
if (mousePressed && mouseX >150 && mouseX <350 && mouseY >480 && mouseY <720) {
startBulbasaur = millis();
if (mousePressed && mouseX >600 && mouseX <680 && mouseY >480 && mouseY <720) {
startCharmander = millis();
if (mousePressed && mouseX >920 && mouseX <1200 && mouseY >480 && mouseY <700) {
startPikachu = millis();

// Charmander Part
if (condition==2) {
tint(255, 167);
image(night, 0, 0);
image(can, 620, 60, 50, 40);
image(can2, 560, 270, 60, 40);
image(can3, 480, 420, 90, 70);
image(can4, 680, 260, 50, 60);
image(can5, 720, 460, 65, 55);
image(can6, 620, 500, 80, 60);
image(can7, 400, 280, 50, 40);
image(can8, 440, 600, 90, 90);
//tint(255, 57);
//image(l1, 520, 60);
//image(r1, 640, 60);
//image(l2, 460, 300);
//image(r2, 700, 300);
// image(l3, 460, 480);
//image(r3, 640, 480);
//image(l4, 340, 180);

//timer here

int timer;
timer = 20-(millis()-startCharmander)/1000;// adjust the time if you want!!
if ( !hasWonC ) {
image(timeboard, 20, 20, 250, 100);
text(“Timer:” + timer, 110, 80);

if (timer < 0.1 && candleLight7 == false ) {
//condition = 5;
text(“BACK”, 1180, 700);
text(“Failed, try again!”, 530, 320);

if (mousePressed && mouseX >520 && mouseX <600 && mouseY >230 && mouseY <310) {
candleLight = true;
if (candleLight == true) {
tint(255, 57);
image(l2, 460, 300);

if (mousePressed && mouseX >600 && mouseX <680 && mouseY >20 && mouseY <100 && candleLight == true) {;
candleLight2 = true;
if (candleLight2 == true) {
tint(255, 57);
image(l1, 520, 60);

if (mousePressed && mouseX >660 && mouseX <740 && mouseY >260 && mouseY <340 && candleLight2 == true) {;
candleLight3 = true;
if (candleLight3 == true) {
tint(255, 57);
image(r1, 640, 60);

if (mousePressed && mouseX >720 && mouseX <800 && mouseY >420 && mouseY < 500 && candleLight3 == true) {;
candleLight4 = true;
if (candleLight4 == true) {
tint(255, 57);
image(r2, 700, 300);

if (mousePressed && mouseX >580 && mouseX <700 && mouseY >480 && mouseY < 580 && candleLight4 == true) {;
candleLight5 = true;
if (candleLight5 == true) {
tint(255, 57);
image(r3, 640, 480);

if (mousePressed && mouseX >360 && mouseX <440 && mouseY >240 && mouseY < 320 && candleLight5 == true) {;
candleLight6 = true;
if (candleLight6 == true) {
tint(255, 57);
image(l4, 340, 180);

if (mousePressed && mouseX >380 && mouseX <520 && mouseY >540 && mouseY < 660 && candleLight6 == true) {;
candleLight7 = true;
if (candleLight7 == true) {

tint(255, 57);
image(l3, 460, 480);

fill(52, 118, 157, 200);
// rect(580, 290, 145, 50, 20);
rect(390, 290, 510, 90, 20);
rect(1170, 665, 105, 50, 20);

text(“BACK”, 1180, 700);
text(“Congratulation!”, 400, 325);
text(“Take your Pokemon in the box!”, 400, 365);

//fill(255, 100, 190);
//rect(580, 290, 145, 50);

hasWonC = true;
if (mousePressed&& mouseX >1200 && mouseX <1280 && mouseY >680 && mouseY <740) {
candleLight = candleLight2 = candleLight3 = candleLight4 = candleLight5 = candleLight6 = candleLight7 = false;
hasWonC = false;

// Bulbasaur Part
if (condition==3) {
image(grassland, 0, 0);
image(grass, 610, 580, 95, 95);
image(grass2, 780, 300, 70, 70);
image(grass3, 620, 30, 50, 50);
image(grass4, 450, 300, 60, 60);
image(grass5, 470, 540, 75, 75);
image(grass6, 690, 250, 55, 66);
image(grass7, 800, 610, 110, 100);

//image(bl1, 370, 30);
//image(br1, 640, 30);
//image(bl2, 370, 210);
//image(br2, 640, 210);
//image(bl3, 370, 330);
//image(br3, 640, 330);
//image(bl4, 310, 330);
//image(br4, 640, 330);
int timer = 20-(millis()-startBulbasaur)/1000;//adjust the time if you want

if ( !hasWonB ) {
image(timeboard, 20, 20, 250, 100);
text(“Timer:” + timer, 110, 80);

if (timer < 0.1 && bloom7 == false ) {
text(“BACK”, 1180, 700);
text(“Failed, try again!”, 530, 320);

if (mousePressed && mouseX >580 && mouseX <680 && mouseY >560 && mouseY <640) {
bloom = true;
if (bloom == true) {
tint(255, 87);
image(bl3, 370, 330);

if (mousePressed && mouseX >720 && mouseX <840 && mouseY >250 && mouseY <350 && bloom == true) {
bloom2 = true;
if (bloom2 == true) {
tint(255, 87);
image(br3, 640, 330);

if (mousePressed && mouseX >610 && mouseX <660 && mouseY >5 && mouseY <70 && bloom2 == true) {
bloom3 = true;
if (bloom3 == true) {
tint(255, 87);
image(br1, 640, 30);

if (mousePressed && mouseX >430 && mouseX <520 && mouseY >280 && mouseY <360 && bloom3 == true) {
bloom4 = true;
if (bloom4 == true) {
tint(255, 87);
image(bl1, 370, 30);

if (mousePressed && mouseX >460 && mouseX <530 && mouseY >530 && mouseY <620 && bloom4 == true) {
bloom5 = true;
if (bloom5 == true) {
tint(255, 87);
image(bl4, 310, 330);

if (mousePressed && mouseX >680 && mouseX <750 && mouseY >240 && mouseY <320 && bloom5 == true) {
bloom6 = true;
if (bloom6 == true) {
tint(255, 87);
image(bl2, 370, 210);
image(br2, 640, 210);

if (mousePressed && mouseX >780 && mouseX <910 && mouseY >580 && mouseY <720 && bloom6 == true) {
bloom7 = true;
if (bloom7 == true) {
tint(255, 87);
image(br4, 640, 330);

fill(58, 80, 22, 200);
rect(390, 290, 510, 90, 20);
rect(1170, 665, 105, 50, 20);

text(“BACK”, 1180, 700);
text(“Congratulation!”, 400, 325);
text(“Take your Pokemon in the box!”, 400, 365);

hasWonB = true;

// Back on option A
if (mousePressed&& mouseX >1200 && mouseX <1280 && mouseY >680 && mouseY <740) {
bloom = bloom2 = bloom3 = bloom4 = bloom5 = bloom6 = bloom7 = false;
hasWonB = false;

if (condition==4) {
image(grove, 0, 0);
image(mushroom, 600, 580, 120, 120);
image(mushroom2, 820, 300, 90, 90);
image(mushroom3, 750, 485, 90, 90);
image(mushroom4, 430, 485, 95, 95);
image(mushroom5, 610, 200, 75, 75);
image(mushroom6, 380, 300, 80, 80);

//image(pl1, 280, 40);
//image(pr1, 640, 40);
//image(pl2, 280, 360);
//image(pr2, 640, 360);
//image(pl3, 280, 360);
//image(pr3, 640, 360);

int timer = 20-(millis()-startPikachu)/1000;//adjust the time if you want

if ( !hasWonP ) {
image(timeboard, 20, 20, 250, 100);
text(“Timer:” + timer, 110, 80);

if (timer < 0.1 && grow6 == false ) {// ass things
text(“BACK”, 1180, 700);
text(“Failed, try again!”, 530, 320);

if (mousePressed && mouseX >580 && mouseX <720 && mouseY >500 && mouseY <700) {
grow = true;
if (grow == true) {
image(pl2, 280, 360);

if (mousePressed && mouseX >800 && mouseX <920 && mouseY >280 && mouseY <400 && grow == true) {
grow2 = true;
if (grow2 == true) {
image(pr2, 640, 360);

if (mousePressed && mouseX >730 && mouseX <820 && mouseY >480 && mouseY <580 && grow2 == true) {
grow3 = true;
if (grow3 == true) {
image(pr3, 640, 360);

if (mousePressed && mouseX >410 && mouseX <520 && mouseY >480 && mouseY <580 && grow3 == true) {
grow4 = true;
if (grow4 == true) {
image(pl3, 280, 360);

if (mousePressed && mouseX >600 && mouseX <680 && mouseY >160 && mouseY <300 && grow4 == true) {
grow5 = true;
if (grow5 == true) {
image(pr1, 640, 40);

if (mousePressed && mouseX >370 && mouseX <450 && mouseY >270 && mouseY <370 && grow5 == true) {
grow6 = true;
if (grow6 == true) {
image(pl1, 280, 40);
fill(180, 109, 33, 200);
//rect(580, 290, 145, 50, 20);
//rect(1170, 665, 105, 50, 20);

//text(“BACK”, 1180, 700);
//text(“Success!”, 590, 325);
rect(390, 290, 510, 90, 20);
rect(1170, 665, 105, 50, 20);

text(“BACK”, 1180, 700);
text(“Congratulation!”, 400, 325);
text(“Take your Pokemon in the box!”, 400, 365);
hasWonP = true;

if (mousePressed&& mouseX >1200 && mouseX <1280 && mouseY >680 && mouseY <740) {
grow = grow2 = grow3 = grow4 = grow5 = grow6 = false;

hasWonP = false;

Arduino Code:

#include <Servo.h>

Servo myservo1;
Servo myservo2;
Servo myservo3;
char valueFromProcessing;

void setup() {


void loop() {
// to receive a value from Processing
while (Serial.available()) {
valueFromProcessing =;

if (valueFromProcessing == ‘A’) {
if (valueFromProcessing == ‘B’) {

if (valueFromProcessing == ‘C’) {
if (valueFromProcessing == ‘D’) {

if (valueFromProcessing == ‘E’) {
if (valueFromProcessing == ‘F’) {

// too fast communication might cause some latency in Processing
// this delay resolves the issue.

Recitation 11: Workshops by Karen Zhang

Media Manipulation

Since our final project involves a large amount of use of images and gifs, not videos. So I decided to go to the media manipulation workshop to advance my skills in media. We learned how to make use of color in the processing, once my mouse moves to the red color, it will trigger something.  Also, we learned how to add the filter to a video after the video plays for 14 seconds. Next, we started our project. I used one of the elements I would use in my final project for this assignment. I used for loop so the leaves can repeat in the grassland. One difficulty I met during the exercise is the function resize ( ). Since every time the image is resized based on the last image in a for loop, and resize ( ) is not a very appropriate function to achieve this goal. So the easiest way is to change the width and height of the images. I also used random to adjust the size.




Recitation 10: Media Controller by Karen Zhang

For this recitation, again we combine processing and Arduino together to make our own art project. I use the image of Pikachu and I plan to resize it by using the potentiometer.

Even though it is not a difficult task, I still meet lots of problems. First, I built the circuit with two potentiometers since I think each of them can control the width and height. However, I gradually realize that two potentiometers can cause problems since the width and height cannot change simultaneously. And the size of that image would be wrong. So actually only one potentiometer is needed and that is enough. Second, I use the wrong function at first. With the help of Katie, I start to use the function of resize. Finally, my image of Pikachu is able to get bigger or smaller while turning my potentiometer.



In the end, I think it is very interesting to read ” Computer Vision for Artist and Designers.” It gives me a lot of insights on how algorithms allow computers to make intelligent assertions about digital images and video.  Even though resizing is a simple technique, it becomes easier with the help of computer programming. In the meanwhile, the computer system offers more opportunities to create art.

Recitation 9: Final Project Process by Karen Zhang

Celine — Break Free

I like the idea that Celine purposes to fight against demons and break from the stress that we have. “Break Free” is a game of self-empowerment and help the students to overcome their failures of fear. The user will use different hints and clues to figure out the puzzle and successfully break free from the room. However, I think the design of hints and clues can be tricky. I suggest that the clues should not be designed so difficult, otherwise this game can possibly make the students more stressful. Since in my midterm project, we did not focus a lot on the final reward part of the project. So I suggest to Celine that she should also think about the result after the user break from the locked room. What kind of message does the success of breaking free convey to the users? The reward can be shown on the screen or physically appear in front of the users. For example, a gift can appear from a box. Moreover, I also suggest using a joystick instead of potentiometers, since potentiometers sometimes are not so easy to control.

Sharon — A unique mask-changing performance

I appreciate Sharon can bring Chinese culture to her final project. The users are able to experience Sichuan mask-changing performance even though they don’t master this skill. And users can record this video. I think first she should think about changing the title of her project. Even though the title is very explicit, it can be clearer and more straightforward. Then, I suggest Sharon should consider using a proper sensor to trigger the process of changing faces, since she did not mention the sensor in her blog post. I suggest that the vibration sensor can be helpful to achieve this process. In terms of multicultural aspects, I also suggest masks with Chinese elements are not enough, she can also add more masks from European dramas.

Alison — Undecided

Alison’s project is really interesting since the project of other people in our group is heavily based on the visual aspect. Alison’s project here is the only project based on a storyline. Her partner designed a storyline for their project, so I think it is really great. The main point of interaction will be made through the use of distance sensors that will record if whether or not the user’s hand movements have been detected, continuing their story with ease. For Alison and her partner, I think they have planned everything. Alison is in charge of the code, her partner is in charge of the story. What I purpose is more about the concerns towards the sound effect.


I think the most successful part of your proposal is that each user is able to get an aspect of personalized material and information. Since we demonstrate our definition of interaction can be a process of interaction with uncertainties. Nevertheless, my group members give me a lot of great advice which help to revise my project. Sharon purposes that I should add more results about each type of Pokemon. And Celine says our projects lacks in terms of intractability and encouragement for her to use the project. She suggests making the project into somewhat of a personalized game, where 2 players go through various ‘tests’ that will determine their pokemon for them. I totally agree with this new idea, but Anna and I think for a long time and decide not to use this. In order to make it more interactive, we add one more stage into our project which can let the user interact with the Pokemon.

Final Project Essay by Karen Zhang

Project Title


“Pickmon” is derived from Pokémon. The title of the project is straightforward and clear for the users to know what to do. This project will help the user to identify which type of Pokémon you are more likely to own.

Project Statement of Purpose

The experience of curiosity and uncertainty made Anna and I start to think about divination. Then we start to brainstorm about this idea to make it more practical, we gradually developed this project of Pick your Pokémon. Our generation grows up by watching the cartoon, for me, Pokémon is still in my heart. Our project targets at a specific group of people who like Pokemon, or more broadly, who love interacting with cartoon characters. Children also love collecting things, such as stamps, cards, stones, and even insects. In Pokémon, different people also master different skills to control their own Pokémon, which can belong to different types (water type, fire type, electric type). In the novel series Harry Potter, J. K. Rowling also creates a magic school Hogwarts, which is divided into four houses, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. And we are also inspired by the Sorting Hat, the hat will help you decide which house that you belong to. In reality, fans of Pokémon and Harry Potter are also eager to know which Pokémon they can own and what house they belong to.

Image result for the sorting hat
The Sorting Hat in Harry Potter

Project Plan

Our project is a process of matching between the user and the Pokémon. We plan to let the user touch the button of the Poké Ball, like the one shows here. We plan to have a heartbeat sensor on this button and somehow it can test the user’s heart rate to create our inputs (we are still designing this part and we plan to read the heartbeat from user’s finger). A list of questions will be given through Processing on the screen and definitely affect people’s heart rate. And we will use the variation of data to give feedback to the user which will indicate what type of Pokémon he is more likely to own. In the end, the image of the specific type of Pokémon will appear on the screen and a box will open to show your Pokémon, we may also 3D print Poké Balls.

Image result for Poké Ball

Context and Significance

In the previous research, I redefine “interaction” as human-centered experience with reward and a process of exploration with multiple and unexpected alternatives. For instance, the project Click Canvas is a highly interactive project made by Natthakit KIMBAB Kang, which provides multiple alternatives for users to explore and the user do not necessarily know what will come out in the next step. Furthermore, Anna and I really spend time reflecting on our last project, we strongly feel that we must add the “reward” part to our final project. And the processing of matching in our project fits into the new definition I give to interaction as an experience involved with curiosity and uncertainty.