Recitation 4: Group Research Project by Anna

My understanding of “interaction” has been mainly structured by ideas from two articles: “The Art of Interactive Design” by Crawford, and “Introduction to Physical Computing” by Igoe and O’sullivan. In these two readings, a model of interaction composed of three steps appears in similar forms in the authors’ explanation (Crawford, 5; Igoe and O’sullivan, XX). This model includes: Input; Processing; Output. I regard this model as the base of the definition of interaction. Additionally, Crawford emphasized that the information communicated and processed in this course should be complex enough, or the course can only be defined as reaction, but not interaction (Crawford, 6). Therefore, I define interaction as a course that involves two actors to deliver information, process and give feedback to each other

I introduce here a project that aligns to this definition of interaction, Scribb designed by Mylène Dreyer. (Please click the link to get the description and demonstration of this project. ) The project is composed of an interface where the human participant can interact with a computer program. The participant receives the image (palette of black and white, and their positions) from the computer, and predicts the moving capacity of cursor, and draws on paper to exert influence on the computer image. The computer, on the other hand, receives the data of the participant’s drawing, and processes it to change the image. Thus a reduplicative process of interaction is established, where both actors fulfills the threes steps of input, processing and output

Here is another project that falls short of the definition of interaction: Anti-Drawing Machine, created by Soonho Kwon, Harsh Kedia and Akshat Prakash. In this project, though the computer manipulates the movement of the drawing paper according to the trace of the participant-controlled pen, this movement does not convey any valid information to the human participant that can be understood by them. Instead, it only creates irrational disturbance. Therefore, the link of the computer’s output and the human participant’s input and processing is broken. 

In out group research project, we designed a project named “Speaking Gloves: Reveal Your Voice” to embody our understanding of the concept of interation. Our ideal product is a pair of gloves that captures the movement of fingers through sensors, and processes these data to read the sign language practiced by the user, and at last speaks out loud the meanings through a speaker. In the functioning of these gloves, the sign language of the user is input into the gloves (or more specifically, the micro-computer embedded in them) through finger movements, and the gloves give output in forms of voice and words after processing the data. We came up with this idea out of helping people with mute disability to achieve simultaneous vocal communication with people around them. Additionally, inspired by the article “Making Interactive Art: Set the Stage, Then Shut Up and Listen” written by Igoe, we considered more about the using and interactive experience of the participant, not influenced by others’ interpretation but to figure out the amaze by themselves: We designed the gloves as color-adaptable to imitate skin color; We “created” a cloud storage of different language settings; And most importantly, in our performance, we arranged the user to experience using the gloves before introducing and explaining them. 


Recitation 3: Sensors by Anna


For this recitation, me and my partner picked a joystick as the sensor that we study and practice on. We decided to use two LEDs to show the output driven by the sensor: We wanted one LED indicate the input data from x axis potentialmeter, and the other indicate y axis. We used two LEDs of different colors, red and green, to show the position of the joystick; Ideally, the red LED will light up when the joystick (which is set vertically) moves upward, and the green one will light up when it moves right ward. 

ideal setting

We connected the circuit following the diagram below:


Imitating the coding process of mapping analog inputs in class, we programmed the arduino and experimented whether it works, but the serial monitor showed unreadable digital gebberish, and the LEDs did not light up. 

With the help from the faculty, we found that the Baud rate we copied from the example on the website (115200) did not match our required one (9600). After fixing this, the monitor shows readable data, but the LEDs still refused to light up. 

We debugged the circuit again, finding that we had connected the LEDs in a short circuit. When we removed this problem, the circuit finally works as we expected. 


Question 1:
What did you intend to assemble in the recitation exercise? If your sensor/actuator combination were to be used for pragmatic purposes, who would use it, why would they use it, and how could it be used?

We intended to create some kind of output that can indicate the movement of the joystick, but after building and reflecting, we found it more like two displayers controlled by the joystick. I don’t think our sensor/actuator can be directly used pragmatically because it is not able to quantify through direct, sensible output, but it may be used for delivering information of the status of hand shanks to workers from a distance if it can be improved (for example, adding more indicating LEDs of different colors to represent every quadrant). 

Question 2:
Code is often compared to following a recipe or tutorial. Why do you think that is?

I think this is because both recipe/tutorial and code has to be implemented step by step. If there is one error, then the process is unaccessible, or the result will be wrong. 

Question 3:
In Language of New Media, Manovich describes the influence of computers on new media. In what ways do you believe the computer influences our human behaviors?

I think the most noteworthy impact of computers on human is that they cut down the necessity of doing recurring, calculative work. This kind of work usually occupies a lot of human energy and time, requiring not creativity but mechanical repetition. Computers do not only free human from them, but also do faster and more accurately. Therefore, we tend to value more of innovative and creative ideas that only human can achieve. In other words, we become lazier in the aspect of “leg” work, more attentive in mind work. 

Recitation 2: Arduino Basics by Anna


Circuit 1: Fade

This circuit is programmed to light and dim the LED repeatingly in a certain pace. Since the circuit is simple, me and my partner succeeded in building it very quickly without difficulty. 

Circuit 2: tone Melody

The second circuit is also easy to build. It sets off a speaker to play a record of music. We also finished it very soon. 

Circuit 3: Speed Game

Physical sketch map

The third circuit, however, is far more complicated that the former two, so it took most of our time in the recitation class to build and correct this one. The circuit is a gameboard where two players compete to reach ten hits on their buttons: The LED on the winner’s side will light up. 

Self-drawn Diagram

We met mainly two problems during our building process. When we finished the first try of building and began to test it, we found that player 2’s data of pushing the button was not recorded by the monitor. We modified the positions of some wires to see more clearly where had gone wrong, but we did not find any problem in the part of player 2’s circuit. Taking the advice of the faculty, we changed some parts of the circuit to see if they were functioning properly. Finally, we found the button for player 2 malfunctioning. 

After fixing the problem of the failing button, we tested again, only to notice another problem: Player 1’s LED did not light up even if player 1 wins. We troubleshot the circuit again with the help of the faculty, we found that the signal of LED 1 did not go back to the arduino but went to the Groud on the breadboard. 

Having fixed these problems, we finally made our speed game work perfectly. 


Question 1:
Reflect how you use technology in your daily life and on the circuits you just built. Use the text Physical Computing and your own observations to define interaction.

The most representitive use of technology in my daily life must be the cellphone, namely the communication apps. I think one biggest different of communication apps (for example, wechat) and traditional communication methods (like letters and phone calls) lies in their ability to achieve information delivery and storing immediately. Since the chatting apps deliver the message from user A to user B instantly, they do not force user B to receive and reply. Instead, they allow delayed responds because they can store the message information as chatting records. This feature of technology attaches freedom to the user (me), thus improves my experience in communicating with others. This feeling of mine is contexualized by the definition of interaction given by Igoe and O’sullivan’s article, that computers, as a tool, are meant to store and process information in order to aid human expressions. 

Question 2:
If you have 100,000 LEDs of any brightness and color at your disposal, what would you make and where would you put it?

I want to build a Harry Potter theme park with lots of magic experience spaces. For example, the LEDs will light up to form various magical beam patterns catering to the participants’ actions (like waving the wand) and words (spells) captured by sensors. I would like to put it in a vacation resort of a megacity. 

Recitation 1: Electronic & Soldiering by Anna


#1 Doorbell


Capacitor: It stores up electricity while current is flowing into it and releases the energy when the incoming current is removed. It creates a bypass capacity to keep the circuit stable. 

Ground: The negative electrode. Connecting the circuit to ground prevents ekectric leakage. 

Power: It provides electrical power to run the circuit. 

Resistor: It resists but does not block the flow of current. It protects components by controlling the flow of current. 

Speaker: The component that makes sound. It acts as the “bell”. 

Switch: It controls the flow of current through a junction in a circuit. It controls whether the doorbell goes off by opening and closing. 

Voltage Regulator: It automatically maintains a constant voltage level. It stabilize the voltage used by processor component (the speaker). 

Photo of doorbell circuit

#2 Lamp


Capacitor: It stores up electricity while current is flowing into it and releases the energy when the incoming current is removed. It creates a bypass capacity to keep the circuit stable. 

Ground: The negative electrode. Connecting the circuit to ground prevents ekectric leakage. 

LED: A diode that emits light when current flows throughs it. It acts as the lamp. 

Power: It provides electrical power to run the circuit. 

Resistor: It resists but does not block the flow of current. It protects components by controlling the flow of current. 

Switch: It controls the flow of current through a junction in a circuit. It controls whether the LED lights up by opening and closing. 

Voltage Regulator: It automatically maintains a constant voltage level. It stabilize the voltage used by processor component (the lamp). 

Photo of lamp circuit

#3 Dimmable Lamp

dimmable light

Capacitor: It stores up electricity while current is flowing into it and releases the energy when the incoming current is removed. It creates a bypass capacity to keep the circuit stable. 

Ground: The negative electrode. Connecting the circuit to ground prevents ekectric leakage. 

LED: A diode that emits light when current flows throughs it. It acts as the lamp. 

Potentiometer: A variable resistor. It controls the dimming of the light by controlling the flow of current. 

Power: It provides electrical power to run the circuit. 

Resistor: It resists but does not block the flow of current. It protects components by controlling the flow of current. 

Switch: It controls the flow of current through a junction in a circuit. It controls whether the LED lights up by opening and closing. 

Voltage Regulator: It automatically maintains a constant voltage level. It stabilize the voltage used by processor component (the lamp). 


Since it was my first try to build a circuit, the process of building did not go very smoothly. The first problem I encountered with was how to use the breadboard, namely understanding how are the plugs connected/disconnected. 

When reading the diagram, I was confused by the capacitor and the voltage regulator part: What are their functions? How are they connected in the circuit? 

Fortunately, I figured out these problems with the help of our faculty and managed to build the doorbell circuit. With this experience, it was easier to build the second one. But when I tested the lamp circuit, I found the LED did not light up. After examination, it turned out that I had connected the LED backwards. The circuit eventually ran after I cleared the mistakes. 


Question 1: After reading The Art of Interactive Design, in what way do you think that the circuits you built today include interactivity?

I think these circuits only include a low level of interactivity according to Crawford’s definition. Information delivered in both input and output in the process of running the circuit are simple: Is the switch on/off? Does the doorbell/lamp goes of? Though there is some reaction between me and the circuit, the information exchanged is not complex and entertaining enough to reach the height of interactivity. 

Question 2: How can Interaction Design and Physical Computing be used to create Interactive Art?

Computers can serve as an amplifier of human motions and a converter of art forms, just like the projects introduced in Lieberman’s video. For example, computers can simultaneously project the creating of a graffiti in light forms. Interaction design and computing can function as a new, unprecedently powerful art form, because the unparalleled capacity in processing information of computers. More over, the translation and ampfication of human acts through designing and computing itself can arouse a particular interest in the audience.