Week 4 Interactive Comic Progress Update – Kevin, Kai


The completed assets so far are used in the above work in progress website. This first page was used as to learn the coding needed to complete the comic, but is also the intended introduction to set a tone for the rest of the comic.

The script is finished as well, with the future comic drawings halfway done. 



abel: look, may, it’s going to be fine

may: i know, i know

abel: what are you so worried about?

may: nothing… it’s just…

abel: what?

may: your parents

abel: what about my parents?

(may thinking)

may: what were they like, we’re getting married soon I think I should at least know a little about them.

abel: (chuckling) they’re still living, y’know

may: yeah, i meant what were you guys like when you were a kid?

(abel thinking)

abel: they’re just normal parents

may: yeah, but were they strict? did you guys ever fight?

abel: uhh, no, they weren’t strict, they’re fine, i guess

may: c’mon, were they supportive of you?

abel: uh huh

may: okay

abel: okay, may, i guess, as far as parents go, they weren’t really that bad. kind of distant, but not bad. they loved me.

may: what was it like growing up?

abel: i think i had an average childhood

May: pff what does that mean

Abel: i mean, it’s not like i wasn’t happy. it’s just that our family didn’t really have traditions, or reunions, or celebrations…

(flashbacks happen here)

things like that

May: i feel a little bad for you, i hope they aren’t distant with me.

Abel: don’t worry, they’re good parents.

may: yeah, i just felt like since we’re getting married in two weeks…

(silence hangs)

radio: warning, armed robbery in suburban san francisco, an elderly couple has been found dead in their homes, police are on the look out for the suspect

(abel and may disregard radio warning)

may: that it’s really important for us to get along

abel: yeah, of course

(abel pulls into gas station)

abel: can you get me another pack of cigarettes

may: yeah, no problem

(abel waits while may is in the shop getting snacks and drinks)

(abel waits, waits, and waits)

(after a cigarette, abel goes into the store to check up on may)

(may is crying)

abel: what’s wrong?

may: i’m sorry, i’m sorry

abel: may, seriously, what’s wrong?

radio: the armed robbery took place in pacific heights with two elders found dead, ages 59 and 57, anyone with more information on the robbery please reach us at xxx-xxxx

(silence hangs)

Week 3 Comic Pitch – Kai and Kevin

Everything in this website is drawn with white outlines on a black background.

The comic starts with a gif of a car driving down an empty highway at night where faint music slightly distorted music plays to emulate a radio. clicking the gif will cause the next scene to appear where the scene starts with two people in the front seat talking about their engagement. The man is bringing the woman from los angeles to san francisco to meet his parents once more before marriage. It’s a quiet drive and the clock says 3 am. after clicking again a text box appears where the woman starts asking about the mans childhood and how his parents raised him. flashback scenes depict his childhood where his parents where slightly distant but loving, neither side was able to truly express their feelings and so the man knows little about his parents past and life and vice versa. The radio plays and for a brief moment the static mentions an armed robbery where an older couple was shot and killed, but the man and the woman disregard the report and continue talking about his past. They stop at a gas station where the neon lights artificially brighten the previously black and white comic. The woman goes inside the gas station to pick up snacks and drinks while the man fills up gas and smokes. Time passes and the man wonders why the woman isn’t back yet. He goes into the store and finds the woman in tears and whispering into her phone. He goes up to comfort her and the woman crumbles into him and repeats “im sorry im sorry” the man doesn’t know what’s wrong but the woman is in too many tears to explain. The gas station radio repeats the news and the location of the robbery and the man realizes what had happened. In silence he helps the woman back to the car and they drive off. The next scene is identical to the first scene of the car driving down an empty highway. The point of this comic is to show the shock of death and how it can happen to anyone and cannot be prepared for.

Week 3 CSS Personal Portfolio – Kevin Xu


For my portfolio website, my goal was to display my previous artwork in a concise and clean way, with a website that wasn’t intrusive yet emphasized the artwork. Some issues I came across while creating this website mainly involved formatting the flexboxes to be centered at all times no matter the screen size so the same browsing experience can be had on any screen, whether it was a laptop or a phone. I fixed this by setting a larger flexbox so that the images could be lined up correctly regardless of the screen size. In addition to this, I had to fix multiple bugs which involved the sizing of my images. I also added a small about page which is accessible through the top left navigation bar.