Comic Javascript Project Update- Kyra Bachman

Process Update

At this point, we have nearly finished all of our visuals for the comic and are starting to focus on the Javascript aspect. We went about the images portion by first drawing them out on paper and then drew over them on Adobe Illustrator to give it a more clean and presentable appearance. As we add the coding portion we intend to incorporate interactive elements such as gifs, pop-up images, and other types of media to add to the essence of our message.

We ended up departing from our initial idea of the “circle-of-life” story, where we would show images of two siblings ranging from birth until death. That idea proved to be too ambitious and unauthentic, considering we have no experience to draw from after the age of 18. Instead, we went with the storyline of two siblings growing up together and we will end the comic at their graduations. We plan on the first and last frames being photo albums and the duration of the comic will be the photos we have drawn of the various stages of the two siblings growing up together.

Drawing process example:




Week 3: HTML/CSS Website

Overall, I felt like this assignment was interesting. I appreciate the artistic license and flexibility we were afforded in creating this website. However, due to my inexperience with coding, I found this project very challenging.  In the process of creating this website, I encountered many problems. 

The Process

While coding my website, I tried to mimic and extrapolate from the structure that was demonstrated in class. Unfortunately, I ran into problems with the index files’s translation to the CSS. I know that it was correctly tagged, so that wasn’t the issue, but only certain things that I put in the CSS file would show up in my webpage. 

With the inclusion of CSS,  I wanted to make my website more geometric and aesthetically pleasing. With the help of W3Schools I eventually figured out how to set up a form of navigation from the top of the page to the main text at the bottom. Something that I’d always appreciated on a website is when there is a tag on the top to navigate you to a specific topic. I also learned some other useful codes like adding <br> in between bodies of texts if you want a space in between them (something that bothered me last time!) However, I still wish I was able to do more with the layout of the main text.


So far, the statement that “coding is a different language” has proven painfully true to me. I was admittedly very frustrating when the final product of the website was not the layout I had envisioned.  I am still hopeful that with practice, youtube videos, and the help of others, I will eventually gain a better proficiency. Even through this exercise I feel like I have a better understanding of code syntax and the functions of different tags. Moving forward, I hope to gain more fluency in HTML/CSS documents and  know it is important that I gain better understanding so it won’t be as much of a struggle to translate my vision into code.