Week 2: Portfolio website – Khaliun Dorjderem


I had a really stressful but fun time working on my website. At first, for a person like me who had no knowledge about coding, the project seemed to be like super difficult process, but as I apply what I have learned in class to my website and see my improvement, it became addicting.

I struggled the most on CSS flex boxes, my boxes just wouldn’t appear in a position which I wanted them to appear. Even though I made changes and refreshed again and again nothing was changing, until I found out I had to style them on CSS. With the help of the CSS tutorials, I was finally able to see my page change. 

Also, I didn’t wanted my background to be plain white, so I decided to change it. It took me almost 2 hours to figure out which color  background goes well with my pictures, what size it should be. However, all thanks to the CSS tutorials I was able to have my background as I wanted, 

I didn’t wanted my website to be only one page, because I thought it was boring. So, I added subpages. I thought I can add more pages by having the <head>, <body>, and the <footer> tags again but it did not work. I had to open new html’s to add subpages, about, work, and contact, to my website. It was a lot of work because I had to do all the tags and texts for my subpages again, but it was satisfying to see my result.

Photoshop assignment – Khaliun Dorjderem

At first I was so confused on how to use those different tools and how to combine images. However, I watched some tutorials on youtube and just played around with the tools to finally learn to use it properly. I struggled the most on figuring out how to separate/cut an image and to form a new one. The most useful tools for me were the magic eraser tool and the quick selection tool. 

It was challenging to work on photoshop, but at the same time it was fun and addicting. I hope to learn how to use other tools to create more works on photoshop!

Week 2: Response to “Understanding the Comics” by Scott McCloud – Khaliun Dorjderem

After reading the “Understanding of Comics” by Scott McCloud, I came to realize that comic books go way beyond than what I expected them to be. Since when I was 5 or 6, I liked reading comic books because they were easy to understand and follow and fun to read than a normal book. However, I have never thought every aspect of comic books would have an underlying meaning, like how the comics are very simple not very detailed because people wouldn’t pay much attention if it is very detailed and how gutters are filled with closure.  

It made me think that comic book author not only tells a story but also understands how people interpret different things. What really stroke me was how authors emphasize their story by making the pictures simple. As a reader, I always thought they made it simple because it was efficient, not to emphasize the character. even though the art is simple, the author puts a lot of effort into it as he/she thinks about how the background color, size, and many other aspect would present the story, not tell a story. 

Week 2: Response to “The medium is the message” by Khaliun Dorjderem

In “The medium is the message”, McLuhan was saying that the medium is the tool that we deliver information, and it is not the content but the media was the message that we were delivering. Also, it is the medium where rapid change is occurring. When people invent something new, they do it with the intention of simplifying our tasks or just with a good intention. However, throughout its process some face with negative consequences and some intentions are forgotten. The author is saying that the content of the medium, the new inventions, is itself an another medium.

before we use to distribute information by mouth, and then by newspaper, and now we do it by the use of the internet. So, our perception of the information is changing while this constant change is happening, and he suggests that if we pay attention to this changes and how it is affecting our society, we might be able to predict future effects before they happen.