RAPS Assignment 3: Second Synth – Kyle Brueggemann


In order to create a second synthesizer that I would then mix with the original one, I first heavily experimented with the different BEAP modules in order to accurately figure out how to connect the different modules effectively and understand the effects they had on the sounds I wished to produce.

I ended up using the sequencer to start off my synthesizer. I then fed the sequencer into a wavetable which gave it a unique video game style sound. I then combined this sound in an audio mixer along with a hand clap trigger. I used a  pulse designer to cause the hand clap to trigger at certain beats. Once I had these two audios mixed, I then added the diode ladder object, which allowed me to filter the sound. Then, I added the triple morphing filter, which allowed me to again filter the sound. I then added the harmonic level control, which I am still not quite sure what exact effect it has. My final effect was the chorus object, which added a dimensional feel to the sound and caused it to reverberate in a beautiful way. I then took the output of my oscillator, mixer, filter, level control, and effect and combined it in the audio mixer before sending the output into the stereo.

While I still have a lot to learn in regards to what all the different BEAP modules do, this exercise was a great start in my comprehension of Max’s different features. My final audio output sounds like 8-bit haunted house music, but  I’m okay with that.

RAPS Reading Response 2: Sitting In A Room – Kyle Brueggemann

While listening to this piece, I Am Sitting In A Room, by Alvin Lucier, I at first became a bit annoyed as I realized the next 45 minutes of my life would be spent hearing the same phrase repeated over and over. However, I came to the realization that the piece was quite meditative and reflective. As Lucier first recorded his voice, and then allowed it to playback in the room, rerecording each playback, the sound became more and more abstract. As a recollection of spoken words evolves into an environmental soundscape, I believe Lucier is attempting to reveal not only the resonances of the room he is in but also the qualities of the recording equipment.

As the sound became more and more abstract, it held a more ephemeral quality to it. Not only was this piece educational on the qualities of audial resonance, but the decay of the purity of the audio over time also shows an artistic expression of an aesthetic soundscape. As this evolution occurred, I found myself more and more in tune with the audio by finding an appreciation for this work of art.

In lines with considering sound and music art, I believe that art is anything that causes us to feel empathy or causes us to have our perspectives challenged. Music is such a universal language with how it is able to make us all feel, that I believe all music deserves to be considered art. With the example of this piece, the sound of speech was allowed to be distorted over a long period of time in order to show the connection between sound and music and to challenge our view on what we consider sound and what we consider music. I don’t believe that all sound is art, but I believe that when expressed with purpose, it has every right to be considered an artistic medium.

RAPS Assignment 2: Generative Vizzie Visuals – Kyle Brueggemann


When creating my patch that explores the possibilities of the vizzie effects, I wanted to create a project that combines the laptop’s camera as well as the videos provided in class into a trippy, visually awakening kaleidoscope of color.

The first thing I did was use the grabbr and playr objects to pull out the camera recording and the 8bit visuals, I then used the fractalizer to make my laptop camera’s input B&W,  and the kaleidr to create a kaleidoscope effect from the 8bit video game visuals. I used the wandr object to alter the horizontal input of the kaleidr so it is always altering randomly. I then used the chromakey object to combine the two videos. I really enjoy the chromakey function because it overlaps each video in an artistic way. Then, after combining both videos, I added the brcosr object, which changes the video’s brightness, contrast, and saturation. I used the 4oscil8r generator object in order to adjust the brcosr’s values over time and create dynamic values. Then I added one more video which I altered with the foggr object,  which creates an interesting fuzzy effect to the video. I connected the foggr object to the twiddlr object in order that its values are ever-changing. I then combined this final video with the other composite video with the mixfadr and used the projectr to display my outcome.

For my screen-recording, I played my laptop facing out of the window at my dorm so I could display the effect of the generative visuals on an aesthetic backdrop.

I apologize for the short video length, as anything else passed the maximum file size for the site. I am very satisfied with my plan to create psychedelic visuals that mesh with the environment introduced to the laptop camera. I would definitely like to learn more ways to incorporate these effects in my future projects.

RAPS Reading Respone 1: Synesthesia – Kyle Brueggemann

Synesthesia is the occurrence of when a person’s senses may be linked together in a way where if they experience one sense, they will in turn experience an entirely different sense as well. For example, if they hear the note C-flat, they will then see the color blue. It is a neurological characteristic that allows people to involuntarily experience multiple different senses even when only one sensory pathway is triggered.

An example from pop culture that highlights the realities of synesthesia is the video SYNESTHETIC LOCKED by LOROCROM and Phil Fried. This video uses a combination of music, text, and animation to show an artistic depiction of how a synesthete may experience the world around them. The video draws bridges between certain senses such as sight, hearing, smell, and taste by displaying descriptions of what experiencing each sense is like as well as painting a visual guide of a synesthete’s thought process through animation.

Synesthesia is an incredibly important topic because its study can reveal how certain parts of the brain are connected and interact with each other. In the context of this video, it is also important to note the efforts of using art as a  medium of understanding different methods of thinking. By using video art to allow more people to understand what having synesthesia is like, the reality of the synesthetes is not only confirmed but also celebrated. The confirmation of synesthesia in pop culture is important so that it does not become viewed as a mental disorder,  but rather a unique gift with the power to be embraced.

RAPS Assignment 1: Simple Arpeggiator – Kyle Brueggemann


In order to randomize the values used to create the different notes, I used a metronome set to a beat 6 times slower than the value of the counter. This is so the notes randomize after 2 successions of playing through each note. Then I used the + object in order to add the values of the randomizer in order to differentiate the notes and create a sequential tone. Then I connected the values output from the randomizer into the make note object.

One thing I realized is that it’s hard to synchronize the notes playing and the randomizer banging, so I connected them to a singular toggle to ensure synchronicity. Another thing I added was the loadbang object, in order to automatically input all of the desired values so the arpeggiator functions without having to manually create values for inputs such as velocity.