RAPS Class assignment 1 (Parren)—Jiayan


This is the link of my code.

When I do it on my own for the first time, I do it this way:

After the object of selecting 123, I changed the original one we did in class into a random object in order to make random note. Then it comes the problem: Obviously I cannot use three random note because the rest of the two is related to the first one. So I used the additional object: +10 and +20. But it the block became red which means that it is invalid. So I changed the object to a message and did the same thing. However, only the first  note can make sound. After seeking help from professor, I noticed that the ‘MAKE NOTE” object would not receive messages, only numbers can be received. Also, there is a blank space between the “+” and the “number”.  I thought  the problem will be solved now, but as I was at the stage of the picture showing above, new problems occurred.  When I press the button at the top, the three notes will play together for the first note, and then the rest two and then the third one.

My professor told me that I need to build a separate “bang” to make it random. So I removed the random note I just built to the right. In order to control the time, I input metro2000. Then I connected the separate block to what we built in class. But it turned out a mess. Even if I press the toggle to stop, it is still making sound of the three note together. The solution to it is that I need another toggle only to control the separate block. And that works. The toggle on the right is really important.