Week2-Response to ‘On the rights of molotov men’-Hanqi Deng

This stimulating article introduces and provides us with a better understanding of the art of context, which is something that I’ve never thought of before. In the article, the author implies that Joy Garnett has the practice of decontextualizing an image as a painter while Susan Meiselas does the exact opposite. Joy Garnett pays more attention to the aesthetic part of the picture, meaning its color, lines and style technique. Susan meiselas, however, is more interested in the narrative behind the picture. These are 2 ways that we can interpret a picture, or any similar form of art in that matter.

Week2-Response to ‘The medium is the message’-Hanqi Deng

‘The Medium Is the Message’ is a very inspiring article. As far as I’m concerned, the author’s main argument is ‘…it was not the machine, but what one did with the machine, that was its meaning or message’, on which I couldn’t agree more. The author also gives a persuasive example of electricity that the ‘content’ of any medium is always another medium. We have long considered the tool of communication, production, et cetera to be harmful but never have we pondered on ourselves.

Week 1: Response to “The Machine Stops” E.M. Foerster – Lily Deng

I can’t help but feel mesmerized when reading Foerster’s “The Machine Stops”. This story vividly insinuates the dependence of people on technology in a dark and sarcastic way, with an interesting conversation between Kuno and Vashti. After finishing this reading, I remembered a saying that’ the furthest distance in the world is that we are together materially, yet we are both absorbed in our cell phones as if we were apart. Inevitably, a great preponderance of people are too addicted to technology that they have lost the abilities of real-life communication in one way or another. At the same time, they blame technology for manipulating them. However, it is not technology’s fault but theirs. The way they rely on tech to a great extent is inappropriate. I am looking forward to reading such fascinating passages next time!