Week 6-Response to “Ecstasy of Influence”-Hanqi Deng(Lily)

From this article we can see that plagiarism poses a huge threat to creativity and innovation. When copyright is no longer paid due attention to and pirated versions spread widely, the value of original works is degraded, then fewer people would be willing to create new things.

We tend to regard artists as idle people who are poorly educated. However, art and design is everywhere around us. We have to respect copyright in order for art to thrive and prosper.

Week5-Comic project presentation-Lily Deng&Billie Jean

This interactive comic project, I believe, consists of three parts. The first is the plot, the second is the collection of assets, the third and last is the assembling of all pieces and coding.

First, I came up with this story based on my experience of playing the piano for over a decade. The story is a tragedy, which makes it more melodramatic. And then I wrote a script based on my thoughts.

Second, I drew some simple comic pictures by hand in paper, only with the two main characters and the pianos and dialogue to make the scene more explicit. My partner found the piano pieces online as well.

Finally, we worked on the coding. It consists of a title page ‘ lacrimosa’, a scrolling page and a flipping animation, as well as the piano background.

Not everything went exactly as we planned. The comic project is after all not a movie production, so my script was a bit too long and flowery. We went into some problems when coding as well, so we googled online to study new ways of adapting html, css and javascript. But overall, the result exceeds expectations and the process was quite fun.

Week6-Response to’ Homecoming season1: Episode1′-Lily Deng

In the two podcasts posted by the instructor, I chose ‘Homecoming, Season One: Episode 1’. 

With audio as the only art form, it utilizes three main methods to convey their message: Sound Effects, Music, Dialogue. It uses sound effects of bell sounds to indicate a new customer’s arrival at a store, noisy people talking background to emphasize the main characters talking, and old-fashioned telephone sounds. The music is also a strong approach. The somber background music at the beginning makes the atmosphere bleak, and the dramatic sudden endings leave listeners at a cliffhanger with curiosity. In the dialogues, there were rises and falls of tones, and laughing sounds to take the readers through their train of thought. 

Week3- Our comic ideas- Hanqi Deng

This is our comic idea and what we will be presenting:

A lesbian girl falls in love with a straight girl. They were friends who both played the piano together. Their practice rooms are next to each other. But  one day the straight girl  passes away and the main character has a lot of inner anguish because she never admitted her feelings and the final scene is here just complete exhausted and she drops her head to the piano and she plays the piano loudly as if the straight girl is still next door, until she died of exhaustion.

Week3-my_new_website- Hanqi Deng


This time I encountered the following problems:

First, I used the same image as last week but it was in the original file ‘mywebsite’. So I duplicated the picture and renamed it.

Second, I had difficulty making an external link in the html code. So I went to w3schools to check out the right way of making one.

Finally, the color format that I wrote initially in the css code does not exist in the reference of all available colors. So I checked the reference and picked out a valid color name.