Week11-Internet Art Project example- Hanqi Deng


Here is the link for the internet art project example that I choose.

Stephen Mcmennamy is an art director from the US. He has made numerous inspirational internet art pieces throughout the years. Here is an example. I chose it because it is a combination of different disciplines–technology and art. 

It begins with an ordinary lipstick but once you rotate the tube itself, a woman’s finger with red manicure spins out. The adoption of internet creates something that cannot be done in real life. It broadens our horizons and inspires people to a great extent. My understanding of internet art is as such: To use digital methods to create without wasting resources efficiently from multi angles.

Here are some screenshots.

Week11-Response to ‘computers, pencils, brushes’-Hanqi Deng

The author emphasizes on the computer as the most intricate machine other than the human brain.  He talks about the difference of painting on paper and painting on a screen. 

The computer’s efficiency of drawing and supervened reduce of energy waste is a pro, but it decreases the humans’ creativity and innovation as well. Just something to think about.

Week 11-Response to ‘Hackers and painters’-Hanqi Deng

Graham’s article consists of the following three parts.

The first part is that nerds don’t care about fashion or morals because they alter from time to time constantly. In this case, nerds are in fact wise people who follow their hearts to do what’s suitable for them instead of going with the flow, which gives them an advantage in life.

The second part is that hackers are more like painters rather than mathematicians, contrary to conventional stereotypes. The Googel definition of hackers is “A person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data”. 

The third part is the importance of having access to feedback. By reflecting upon work and others’ consultation, it’s easier to enhance the code to its best.

Week7-Response to “The Danger of a Single Story”-Hanqi Deng(Lily)

Chimamanda Adichie, a Nigerian author, conscientiously digs deep into the subject on stereotypes. For a long period of time, the mainstream opinion of a universal beauty is blonde hair and pallid skin. But girls like her, with “the skin of chocolate” also exist. The stereotypes people have imposed on her were “Nigerian people cannot speak English well” “Nigerian people don’t know how to use a stove” “the abject immigrant” and so on. Such stereotypes are ubiquitous, but she is trying her best to write about excluded people like her to get across to other people.

The world is full of different stories, but if we limit them to a single story, it would be too shallow.