Comic Book Progression 1.1 – Demi and Thomas

Project Progression

First off all, we are 80% done with the visual we are going to use.

The visuals are original photos, edited and transformed into a mixed comics style.

The software we are using:

  1. Moment ( IOS Camera app )
  2. Photoshop CC 2019
  3. Atom ( obviously )
  4. Apple’s preview photo app.

In our CSS we are using a background picture, on which the comic book will unfold. The copy of the picture can be found attached below. We are also using css for style of text and button style and positioning.

JavaScript is going to be used for the change of image through a push of the button, for transition between images and through use of functions, opening the right scenario.

The scenario is complete. Unfortunately, all members of  this project signed NDA. For the purposes of keeping you interested for our and not dealing with NDA conseuances, the scenario will remain untold.

Every part of the story consists from 3-7 sequential pictures. 

If any questions,

please contact me on:

Comic book Idea – Demi Mishiev & Thomas Waugh

Our Comic idea is heavily inspired by Telltale Games, Chose your adventure books and Black Mirror: Bandersnatch episode.

The comics unfolds a story about our fellow NYUSH student in the beginning of Spring 2019 semester. See how two classes might change  life of the student.   

The Player/Reader will be presented with comic sequence of pictures, which will tell the story of our hero. There we will be presented with from 2 to 4 different options. Each of the options  leads to different ending. See how long you can survive, for how long will you be able to make “right” choices.Learn from experience of your fellow student to prevent yourself from such outcomes.

We will be using CSS for the background and Javascript for the control of the game/story. PROJECT PRESENTATION

Responce to Bruce Sterling – Demi Mishiev

Short History of the Internet provides detailed summary of, well, internet history.

It is interesting to see, how far we have advanced since 1993, the year the article was posted. It makes one wonder, what would the “fathers” of internet think about their creation today. Would they be proud? What would be their stance on net neutrality?

One interesting fact the article didn’t cover is US interest into developing ARPANET was the lead USSR made with the launch of the Sputnik. Once again, competition makes the world a better place for all of us, sometimes.

In 1993, Bruce Sterling, the author of Short History of the Internet, said, that no one own English, so according to this statement  no one could own the internet. However, Internet initial purpose to educate and bring people “closer” nowadays is seen as a way to control the population.

The initial anarchy and lawlessness allowed some organisations and institution to gaining way too much power. Media basically controls the population. Inability to proof check led Twitter to being one of the most influential platforms on internet.

While it is great to have some freedom of speech, government institutions see it as a threat, which lead US to losing the net neutrality in 2018, China being censored and Russia about to lose neutrality and get censored.

While reading the article I realised how far we have advanced and how much we are about to lose. People do not pay enough attention to what happens in their countries, which leads to global domino effect.

Response to Scott McCloud – Demi Mishiev

Scott McClouds’s Understanding Comics is an essential piece of reading for anyone interested in art or art making. It provides just enough information about the history of comics and what comics actually are.Through analysis of ancient manuscripts and wall paintings we, as readers, are explained what happened to comics that gave it the reputation it has today.

As someone who grew up reading comics, bought from the saved lunch money, I was fascinated to learn something new about the art I adore.

One of the interesting question for me was, what is the difference between the movie/ animation and comics. Both of them are representation of the sequential art. The answer was quite simple, yet, I have never looked at either this way. Time and space. Time helps the movie/ animation to progress, while space does the same for comics. Each frame can be a representation of the second or a decade, depending on the authors/ artists idea.

Scott also tries to educate reader about different comics styles. The classic left to right format is something we all used, yet, japanese comics, known as manga utilises different format. Ancient egyptian writings used to be read from bottom left, zig-zac, to top right.

Most of concepts and ideas in the book are familiar to me, yet Scott manages to present the information in a really interesting format, comics, which makes reading so much more simpler and entertaining.

Week1 – Response to E. M. Forster – Demi Mishiev

The idea of almighty machine which controls the humanity reminds me of the “Matrix”, with one difference, in matrix people are not aware that they live inside the simulation.
Even though, I personally like the concept, I feel like that “ The Machine stops” does not provide enough information about the world, how people damaged the planet so bad, that they had to live underground, and more importantly, why they created a machine powerful enough to sustain all its inhabitants, to provide them with clean water and oxygen, yet not powerful enough to safe the planet. What do I mean by save the planet is cleaning the water from the waste, filter the air, improve the soil quality.

I have an answer to my own question, in a way. The experiment with monkeys, ladder and bananas. 5 monkeys were placed into a cage. In a cage there was only a ladder above which the banana were hanging. The is no other way to reach the bananas except for using a ladder. The stronger monkey got onto it first, but when it was about to grab the fruit, cold water started shooting at all of the monkeys. It repeated again, and again, until the monkeys gave up.
Then, one monkey was replaced with another, who had no idea that water would activate, so when it tried to climb the ladder, other monkeys would attack it. The scientist then replaced another monkey, and another, until the whole original set of monkeys were gone. What was left is a new set of monkeys, scared to climb the ladder, and having no idea why.
Those people might have created the machine to protect them, until it does its job. The machine however understood that once it’s done, there would be no longer need for it, so it kept the people inside, scared, until eventually they were too scared about even thinking to go on ground. However, this is just my assumption.