Project Idea Demi, Laila and Jialu

Our video idea is interactive documentary/ report about Starbucks in China.
All 3 members of the team will be presenting and narrating the documentary/ report,
while addressing breaking the fourth wall and communicating with audience.
Website will also contain a command menu, which will provide all the sources/ work cited used for the video, turn on subtitles, and control over the video.

For the project we will be using Adobe Premiere pro, audacity/ garageband and aftereffect.
Atom is a given…

Most of the work will be filming and editing the video material, and later on making the website seamlessly switch to the right clip.

Response to Theft and Artistry – Demi Mishiev

After reading this article I can say for certain that I no longer believe that human society can ever be a functional mechanism. 

Topic of cultural appropriation has been on the table for so long, I don’t even understand why we are still talking about it. 

In my opinion, one can not own a culture, cultures are somewhat tied to the existing places and societies inhabiting them. However,  we have to understand that ever since the traveling was made accessible to mass consumer, there are going to be interpretation of given culture in some or other way. 

There is a movement to PRESERVE culture, not allowing them to be forgotten, and passing the tradition and values to next generation. What I don’t understand is why can we share.  What is so bad about white man with dreads, or someone using musical tones and genres to create something new. 

St. Patric’s day is not an international holiday, however you don’t see Irishmen screaming that we are stealing their culture, instead, we see them sharing a beer with us. Due to this, the original meaning of the holiday might have been lost, however, a tight community created. Yes, community of alcoholics, however community of alcoholics that like and support each other, that have the same goal,  at least once a year, to get wasted. 

If we were stop to adopt other peoples cultures, we would never enjoy quality italian pasta in Shanghai or gelato in Emirates. By stopping people from exploring and discovering something new, something they might like and come to appreciate, we are pushing racism forward, by attributing certain behaviours, sounds and looks to particular race. 

And I don’t think that in 2019 we stand for that 

Week 7 – Demi Mishiev – Response to Ecstasy of Influence

Ecstasy of Influence discusses one topic I’m quite interested in. Plagiarism and copyright.

I must note that I do agree that in academic world plagiarism is unacceptable and any major piece of information should be credited to source. However, on a grander scheme of things, such as internet, there should be no copyright laws unless one is trying to make money from almost identical product. Copy right on pictures, videos, even music, should not controlled. By trying to enforce regulations, companies and government are denying people their basic rights and their freedom. People are free to express themselves in any forms until it is potentially harmful towards other individuals. Sampling a song to create something new, or using a track which perfectly describes the emotions, feelings, message you are trying to send is creativity in its purest form and it shall not be punished.

The only acceptable scenarios where copyright makes sense is when people are trying to sell your product without any effort put into altering or modifying it. Such goes for applications and stolen ideas ( Facebook for example ).  But can one consider those thing art?

Week 7 – Demi Mishiev – Response to Molotov Man

Story depicts a man holding cocktail molotov in a Pepsi bottle in his hand. This picture will later be reproduced as paintings, prints, puzzles, and many more formats. Copyright cases on copyright cases. Something about this picture attracted people. What attracts them is similarities or references they can find to their lives. Everyone could interpret it in the way they see it. Photographer managed to catch not only the right moment, she captured all the emotion coming from that man. The photo was complete success, however what made it what it is right now is the fight for ownership of this picture.

Photographer wanted the artist to pay for the plagiarising her work. However, is it plagiarism, he found inspiration in this picture, and he tried the show the world the way he sees it. He is trying to share HIS vision. Once you made your art available to public you have to be ready that people are going to try and copy it. Some will try use it in their corrupt schemes, however others, they might see something no other saw. Others will be able to interpret their ideas through your art.

I think that copyright on web is complete and utterly idiotic. Internet was created to communicate and share ideas, results, discoveries and art. One can not expect that something you post online will not be copied by somebody out of millions internet users. And in my opinion thats the beauty of it. You are able to share your vision, your creations with people who will either appreciate it and try to replicate it or will create something new out if, enriching and pushing human creativity beyond it limits, hopefully.

I am not saying that you should not give credit to the original creator. Giving credit would be the most moral solution. Everyone would be fair towards each other. Unfortunately, it will never work, some people don’t think about copyrights, some don’t care, some ignore and most of us just way to lazy to cite or credit someone.

In Europe Article 13 have passed, which enforces multiple copyright laws on internet. What it means is that people are being censored, if you don’t give credit you don’t talk. It always starts from small regulations and ends up in anti utopian scenario, ex. 1984 G. Orwell, where government control everything, big brother sees and hears everything, it tells you what to say, what to think and what to do.

More people are focusing on the copyright fights, more government will have reasons to limit our access to information. So my solution would be, think twice before posting anything online, do you mind people seeing copying and sharing it, and how will affect your life.

Comic Book Project – Demi and Thomas


We follow our fellow student, Abraiz, though his journey during his second semester at NYUSH. 

Our protagonist has an option to choose 1 out of 4 classes: Economics, Statistics, Erhu or Com.Lab. 

Each option leads to a different scenario. 

In the middle of the semester, Abraiz has to make a choice, study or go clubbing. 

All of the pictures were made on the phone, then edited at Adobe Lightroom and later transformed into a comics with adobe photoshop and procreate. 

We tried to stay consistent with the style of the images, black and white, with the main focus on the protagonist. 

To give the project some “punch”, all of the text, text boxes and bubbles, are coloured, mainly in yellow and purple. 

