Week 4: Comic Project Update- Cara and Helen

So far, my partner and I have been working on the visuals of our comic, building up our storyline and making our comic look bright, resembling a childhood story. Attached below I have uploaded a few of our comic slides that introduces our characters and the intro to our plot and storyline. 

Week 4: In Class Recitation Example- Cara Chang


I struggled with not putting the proper set of functions within the same bracket as the corresponding variable for ypos. Once I put the correct set of functions under the right place, the words appeared. I also could not get the images to show up on my browser but it was because I had the html and javascript file saved under the wrong folder. But after these two changes, my link worked! 

Week 3: Comic Strip Idea- Cara Chang and Helen

Me and my partner were discussing possible comic strip ideas and we came up with a pretty comical idea which was to base it off of a vegetable farm, where a group of vegetables are plotting an escape to run away from the farm so that they do not get eaten by the farmer. We are not too sure if this is our final idea yet but this was one of the first ones we came up with that sounded pretty entertaining, so we thought we would exercise the idea! We will also talk about the idea more in person during recitation tomorrow.

Week 3: CSS Updated Portfolio- Cara Chang


When I was adding CSS to my portfolio site, I came across a problem where a color block appears at the bottom of the screen. I plan on asking for help in class to resolve the issue. Besides that, I also had some trouble getting the link to work,  but after deleting old folders and organizing my work in a separate folder, I got the link to work. I fixed the original grey colors of the boxes to match my blue themed background color.