Week 7: Audio Project (Cara and Hanna)- Cara’s Individual Documentation

Link: imanas.shanghai.nyu.edu/~hrm305/Audio


For the audio project, our original idea was to remix a song that we both agreed on. We both agreed that remixing Chanel by Frank Ocean would be a cool idea. We used Ableton to remix the song by chopping up the song into different sections. After this, we took our edited sample and added different sounds over it to make it our own version. 


We both worked on the code evenly, I discovered how to add a range slider to change the sizes of the background circle of the html. My partner figured out how to implement the slider into being able to make it function with the sizing. We both used the in-class example to add the play/pause/stop functions, as well as adding the volume buttons and speed up/slow down. The fade in/fade out functions were also added for extra audio functions. Most of the time went into the audio, which required careful listening to adjust anything we did or didn’t like. The code was fairly straightforward, we were trying to mimic a disk like a DJ at a club, and we added a gradient effect to give an electric vibe to the html. We used a black background for simplicity, so that the main focus would be on the virtual glowing CD. Inside the “CD”, we have all our functions so that the user has a more hands on feel of DJ’ing, which was our goal with the audio interactivity. Using the @keyframes function allows the disk to rotate in one continuous movement. The range slider is used at a certain set of values to signal to the javascript to use these set of values to adjust something, which in this case, was the size of the disk. 


I think that our audio project met our overall goals: we created an electric feel for the user with the visuals, and had all the functions within the disk so that the user has a momentary feeling of being a DJ at a club. 

Week 6: Response to On the Rights of Molotov Man – Cara Chang

After reading Joy Garnett’s article on her piece of the Molotov Man, I felt saddened that she was targeted by Susan for copyright. I personally do not think that there should be a limit on art, because every artist perceives artwork in a different form. Joy was expressing her views on the image of the Molotov Man, and to read about how she had to take her creation off the Web was sad because I feel like removing your own art from a platform can be heartbreaking, as if your art is not accepted or not okay. At the same time, I understand that Susan would want credit for the original picture, but I do not agree about the $2000 licensing fee, because that is Joy’s work that she recreated. Joy did not simply copy and paste Susan’s work onto a platform, she recreated it into a painting with texture and a different color scheme, a whole other art piece different from Susan’s. I do not think that Joy copied Susan’s work, but instead, drew inspiration from it. I think that art cannot be mediated or controlled, and people should have access to all different forms of art and interpret it in their own way, just as the rest of the world interpreted Joy’s version of Molotov Man in different countries, all over billboards and magazines and online. 

Week 6: Auld Lang Syne(The Millennium Mix) – Cara Chang

“The first words I spoke in the original phonograph, Mary had a little lamb. It’s fleece was white as snow. And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go. ” 

“The Distinguished Flying Cross upon Colonel Charles A. Lindberg”

“Today, panicked investors ordered their brokers to sell at whatever the price in the stock market crashed.” –Stock Market crash in 1929

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” –Franklin D. Roosevelt  

“Horrific place, ladies and gentlemen, the smoke and the flames now, ooh, the humanity”

“Now, with the help and support of the woman I love.” â€ť

“Urging the people to evacuate the city as Martians approach.” 

“Never to go to war with one another again”

“. . .Juden. . .”

“This country is at war with Germany.”

“December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy.” -Pearl Harbor

“I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.” 

“President Franklin D. Roosevelt stricken late today.”

“The world will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.”

“Reports from the new Germany tell of horrors leading to the total extermination of the Jews of Europe.”

“An iron curtain has descended across the continent of Europe.” 
“Jackie Robinson goes to bat for the first time in a Major League.”

“Old soldiers never die. They just fade away.”

“It was a little cocker spaniel dog, and our little girl, Tricia, the six year old, named it Checkers ” – Richard Nixon

“Are you a member of the Communist Party?”

“Or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?” 

“A blast from the past! A blast from the past! A blast from the past!” “Baby, you’re the greatest.” 

“From Sun Recording artist, Elvis Presley”

“I d like to thank all, all the wonderful folks, and I’d like to thank you, too.” 

“Three young singers were killed today in the crash of a light plane.”

“American bandstand. And now, here he is, the star of our show, Dick Clark.”

“Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” – John F. Kennedy

“They re standing up, waiting to see if Maris is going to hit number 61”

“Godspeed, John Glenn.” 

“Happy birthday, Mr. President.” -Marilyn Monroe

“Wondering how and why Marilyn Monroe died.”

“Something has happened in the motorcade. President Kennedy died at 1:00 p.m. Central Standard Time” 

“Lee Harvey Oswald was shot.”

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” – Martin Luther King

“And I say segregation now, What we have foremost in common is their enemy, segregation tomorrow, the white man, and segregation forever, he’s an enemy to all of us.” 

“I have a dream” -Martin Luther King

“I am about to sign into law the Civil Rights Act of 1964.” 

“The Beatles!”

“And today I ordered to Vietnam the Air Mobile Division. Additional forces will be needed later and they will be sent.” 

“I have very sad news for all of you. Martin Luther King was shot and was killed tonight in Memphis Tennessee.”

“Senator Kennedy has been shot. Is that possible?”

“As he said many times in many parts of this nation, Some men see things as they are and say, Why? I dream things that never were and say, Why not? ” 

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” – Neil Armstrong 

“It’s a free concert from now on.”

“We must be in Heaven, man” 

“Four persons including two women were shot and killed in Ohio today. Hundreds of students were involved as National Guard”

“There l’ll be a killer and a thriller and a chiller when I get the gorilla in Manila.” -Muhammed Ali

“I have concluded an agreement to end the War and bring peace with honor in Vietnam.” – President Richard Nixon

“There’s a drive into left-center field. That ball is gonna be, out of here. It s gone. It’s 715. There s a new home run champion of all time and it’s Henry Aaron.”

“Well, I m not a crook” – President Richard Nixon

“Here’s Johnny” 

“I shall resign the Presidency effective at noon tomorrow.” -Richard Nixon

“An absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon.” 

“My name is Jimmy Carter, and I m running for President.” -Jimmy Carter

“Live from New York, it s Saturday Night.”

“Elvis Presley died today at Baptist Hospital in Memphis.”

“John Lennon was brought to the Emergency Room. He was dead on arrival.”

“Today marks day number 64 in the hostage crisis in Iran.”

“I, Diana Frances take thee Philip Charles Arthur George” – Diana, Princess of Wales.

“To my wedded husband.”

“To my wedded husband.” 

“A disease striking primarily in the gay community called Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. ”

“The liftoff of the 25th Space Shuttle Mission, and it has cleared the tower. Rock and roll, Challenger.” 

“We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, as they prepared for their journey and waved Goodbye, and slipped the surly bonds of Earth to touch the face of God.” 

“I have as much experience in the Congress as Jack Kennedy did when he sought the Presidency.”

“Senator, you re no Jack Kennedy.” 

“Mr. Gorbachov, tear down this wall.”

“I don t think it was wrong.” 

“We did not trade weapons or anything else for hostages.” 

“I think it was a neat idea.” 

“Everyone on Sesame Street is always talking about love. Yuck”

“Hundreds of Berliners from East and West, standing atop the Wall, with chisels and hammers.” 

“The skies over Baghdad have been illuminated.”

“Read my lips.” 

“We, the jury, in the above-entitled action, find the defendant, Orenthal James Simpson, not guilty of the crime of murder, a felony, upon Nicole Brown Simpson, a human being.”

“Princess Diana died of injuries suffered in a car accident”

“I’m Ellen and I’m gay.” – Ellen Degeneres

“Yeah, baby.” – Mike Myers

“There it is, 62, folks, and we have a new home run champion, Mark Mcguire.”

“Welcome, you’ve got mail.”

“I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” – Bill Clinton

“This vast right-wing conspiracy conspiring against my husband.” – Hillary Clinton

“Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat” 

“Indeed I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinski that was not appropriate. In fact it was wrong. I need to go back to work for the American people.” -Bill Clinton

“The young killers of Columbine High School do not stand for the spirit of America. We can rise up and we can say No more. ” 

“Let the word go forth from this time and place, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans.” –John F. Kennedy.

Week 6: Response to Christine Sun Kim TED Talk- Cara Chang

After watching Christine’s TED talk, I discovered how ASL could be seen as another form of music and sound. It was interesting for her to explain how sign language closely resembles a piano, a finger representing a key, and coming together to form a chord. Christine has a way with her representation of ASL that makes her audience feel enlightened to learn more about sign language and immerse themselves into ASL culture through a musical light. Learning piano as a child, I could deeply understand Christine’s message in understanding all the different “keys” people can play to form these “chords” with such different meaning at any shift of a finger. It was super interesting to hear her talk about how she disregarded all the things she was told by others, to forget sound since she could not hear. Instead, she uses that to empower her, using sound as a way for her to communicate in the world. As a person with hearing, I tend to forget how much I take sound for granted, and knowing that someone like Christine can use sound to express her emotions and connect it to sign language is very inspiring. Hearing her describe sound as a social currency was very interesting, because knowing that she “was not capable” due to her lack of hearing was something extremely motivational, showing that when people tell you that you cannot do something, you can prove them wrong, regardless of the circumstances.

Week 5: Interactive Comic- Cara & Helen (Cara’s Reflection)


attached is a working link to our interactive comic.

During the process of creating this comic, we tried to come up with a light-hearted storyline, so we thought vegetables would be a good place to start! I told my partner about the possibility of doing a vegetable storyline on a group of veggies running away from their farm to seek a safe haven at the grocery store. Then our story diverges into two different endings, one ending in tragedy, another ending in safety. We have two interactive portions, where the user can click on a button to trigger a theme music that will play in the background. Another interactive portion is when the storyline diverges, and the user needs to make a choice on which path to take, which will ultimately result in how the story ends. 

For the code I came up with a code using counter to click over each image to take you to the next. The way that the visuals were divided were 50/50, where my partner and I split the work for the beginning of the story, and where the story diverges, my partner and I worked on our own endings. As for the code, I found the solution to use counter to flip through every image while keeping the comic in the center of the browser for a more uniform appearance. We used photoshop to create our visuals because that was one of the platforms that we were both comfortable using in a timely fashion to finish our comic on time. 

I feel as though our project met the goals I had set out for it, because we found a way to implement the audio to our project as well as set a diverging path to our story, which were the two main things I wanted to accomplish in our comic. We also planned our time accordingly so we could have a nice storyline with a problem and a resolution.