Recitation 5. Drawing Machine by Eva


42STH33-0404AC Stepper Motor
SN754410NE IC ChipPower Jack
12 VDC Power Supply
Arduino Kit

Laser-Cut Short Arms
Laser-Cut Long Arms
Laser-Cut Motor Holder
3D Printed Motor Coupling
Paper Fasteners

Building Process:

Before I began building the circuit, I of course tested our pedometer with AnalogRead outputs. Then I retreated the  stepper_oneRevolution code and made sure the motor was rotating smoothly. Using the diagram I connected the jumper cables to the Arduino. 

I adjusted the  MotorKnob code with the map() function for rotation directions. I collaborated my circuit  with another replica to build the drawing machine mechanism. The precision of the 3D printed pieces was crucial in obtaining the most fine draw lines, reflecting on this step now, we could have adjusted them better as the pen at times would bounce a millimetre of the page without leaving a mark. 


After building a drawing machine, I was very inspired with an idea that I would like to share. I had always wanted to create a light show in the sky. Using the principle of the drawing machine, I am imagining light beams that can be controlled with a pedometer from the ground. I now understand the basics behind  the mechanism  and although we only built it on a small scale, this exact mechanism could be replicated to control powerful beam lights in the air – or at least I hope. To take it a step further, I was imagining different functions that could be installed in the light-show, such as traces (from fast movement),  blinking, and and maybe even patters of designs inter-colliding. I am currently very interested in colours and patters so I believe if I had the opportunity to create a circuit like this on a big scale, I would most definitely play with colour gradients and how they create a feeling (different shades of colours bleeding into one another for a particular effect ). When I consider patterns for a light show, I see a different setting than a dark summer night sky, I imagine a user controlled set up in a room (which of course is pitch black also) but this would allow the lights to bounce off the four walls in harmony or chaos, which I believe would create a very interesting sensation for the user controlling the actions. * also music is crucial for this experience to be complete, as we explore interactivity I began understanding the extent of influence audio has on visual and vice versa.


Time’s Up, Griavitron intrigued me the most, I am very fascinated with the idea of simulation and virtual realities, so to be able to indulge in art made for exploring this field is very interesting to me. I’m not sure if its my short attention span, or an array of other reasonings, but I love lights and creations that can be made with their help. This particular project made me start thinking about how I limit myself when I brainstorm for ideas due to my resources. It inspires to acknowledge more than just materialism or commercialism, it is created with meaning thus is open for interpretation. This project also touches upon perception, which is a concept I am currently investigating in the world. The interpretation, the perception of each individual will never be the same, purely due to their background, and thus makes you consider the statements and ideas that are to an extent universally accepted, and those that are labelled as ‘insane”. Perception is a very interesting concept to ponder about, especially when you interact with people with alternative solutions. This project stimulates me visually and mentally, and I would absolutely love to not only try something like this in the future, but even attempt to create ideas alike.

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