Response to “On the Rights of Molotov Man” – Julia Riguerra

“On the Rights of Molotov Man” by Jonathan Lethem confronts issues of plagiarism and reproduction in art and media, as it is now easier than ever to reproduce an image to suit one’s purposes. What I found most striking about the article was Susan Meiselas’ response to Joy Garnett’s appropriation of her photograph, because Meiselas chose to highlight not her photography as the main issue, but the appropriation of the subject, Pablo Arauz. Taking context away from art is often the essence of reproduction, and it is unfortunate that people viewing Garnett’s painting of Arauz or the many reproductions of the original photograph will not know who Arauz is or his role as a Nicaraguan revolutionary. Art is often built upon taking ideas from other sources, though the literal translation of Meiselas’ photograph into a painting by Garnett is almost exploitative. After all, no one can own Arauz’s actions or his experiences but himself.

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