Week 6: Response to “Homecoming, Season One: Episode One” – Susie

This audio podcast is really interesting and this is my first time to listen to such kind of audio play. In the other class, I was required to listen to the audio play adapted by the novel and analyze the differences between them. This time, I only listen to the audio play and I have some new findings of the audio play.

In the audio, sound and dialogue are very important. At the beginning of each little dialogue, we can hear music lead into the dialogue. The music can remind the audience of the shifting scene and changing time. And the background music can also hint the situation of different scenes. And the clear dialogue must be clear enough since the audience understanding of the podcast is dependent on the dialogue.

For the director of the audio play, the most important thing is to find out how to transfer the four-dimension scene into two-dimension signal and convey the information to the audience. So the foreground and background sounds in the audio play should be paid attention.

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