Final project work in progress – Salomon Ruiz

Idea evolution: After presenting my idea to the class and getting feedback from my classmates and the professor, I decided to design an actual fashion garment with clothes I do not wear anymore but that I keep on my wardrobe, as I like on hands work and I can put my creativity into it. I could make a video tutorial in order to show people how they can transform their own clothes into something else. I could post this videos on the website I am creating and I was thinking about opening an instagram account where I post the garments I create.   

Research update: My final project focuses on the top two categories of the waste pyramid: reduce and reuse. After analyzing my own wardrobe and finding patterns among the clothes I wear the most, I hope to get conclusions and a better idea of what kind of clothes I should buy in the future, if any,  in order to reduce my consumption, and how I can keep reusing the ones I already have

I have been watching many video tutorials on how we can convert any kind of clothe we do not use anymore into something else such as a bag, a vest, a pillowcase, etc. However, I am trying to find a design that does not produce a lot of waste for its creation as my goal is to try to use the whole fabric. I have also looked at different websites and blogposts of people who have done similar projects. For instance, I found a girl who keeps track on a list of the number of times she wears every single one of her clothes and after six months she donates those she did not wear that often. This is one idea for the garment

Asset development: I have created a website where I will be posting pictures and videos.  I have taken pictures of my everyday outfits and also pictures of all the clothes I have in order to make an inventory. Tomorrow I will start working on the garment. I have a squares shirt I never wear and I thought it could be good to turn it into a tote bag that I could use in order to bring my lunch. If I have more time I will try to create more than one garment, but I could also talk about some clothes I transformed in the past and aspects I did not consider at that time, such as fabric waste, water waste, etc . These are some pictures I have taken so far 

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