Project 1 Documentation – Justin C


Our final project is a clicking adventure game where you as a the player are trapped inside a room. The goal is to escape but finding clues and picking objects in the room. Without spoiling any further, the theme is science fiction.

One of the most difficult objectives was to lay out a framework in which the computer can keep track what the user has interacted with. Since the game features the user picking items and also making certain scenes change, how can we program it such that computer understands and responds appropriately to each action? The solution lies in the separating different events in small chunks such as functions and objects.  Each event will  handled by a function called the handler. This handler function determines the scene in which the user is in. Another vital function is the handle click function. This function determines which scene the user is in, the function will be appropriately passed to handle events in a specific scene. With this setup, we were able to code all the changes in javascript without needing to change the html file. In fact, the html file only contains one image, three buttons, and eight audio elements. The core mechanics of the game is within the javascript file.

Of course, one of the major challenges with such a html setup is the frequent changes in scene. Therefore, for every event or change in the story, a new image must be displayed. Every picture has been generated by photoshop in a photo-montage like style. Pictures of the study room are taken and then imposed onto a crude drawing of one side of a wall.

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