Final Project Work in Progress – Jennifer Cheung

Partner: Gabriel Chi

Project: After learning of the serious impacts of textile production and the amount of waste that occurs within the industry, we decided to create a poster and web campaign to encourage consumers to thrift and upcycle clothes. We hope to educate people about the realities of fast fashion and how common practices of consumption feed into the deterioration of our planet through informative posters put around school with QR codes that lead to a website containing more information. The website will contain guides to many different thrifting websites and upcycling projects that can make sustainable consumption much more accessible to people. Through this project, we hope to make people more aware of the negative impacts of fast fashion and lead them to more sustainable practices.

Posters: I designed the posters in Adobe Illustrator in a minimalist style in order to get the facts straight across to the reader. Easy to read and digest, the posters put emphasis on the statistics that illustrate how much waste is generated from textile production. We intend on creating a series of more posters in this style and will place QR codes on the bottom of each once the website is completed.


Gabe also came up with this version that is much more straight to the point:

Website: We plan to have the website created and designed by the end of this week. Here are some sources of second hand retailers and upcycling projects that we will include in the site:

Grailed (second hand menswear)

Heroine (second hand womenswear)

Good on You (ethical brand ratings)

DIY Margiela Sock Sweater (upcycling project)

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