Interactive Web Comic Project – Matthew Ballou

Click here to see the project.

For our project, we created an interactive animation with multiple endings.

In order to accomplish this, we utilised arrays and objects in JavaScript to create multiple “slides.” The slideshow itself was an array, wherein each slide was an object that had multiple properties (i.e. dialogue, speaker name, etc.) 

This ‘modular’ approach allowed us to quickly add, change, and remove slides very quickly with very few complications to other slides. Furthermore, this object-oriented approach to the individual slides allows for easy readability and documentation.

One problem we had with the project was not related at all to the programming or design: interactivity. Because we decided to utilise buttons for advancing choices, we lost the opportunity to use more creative means of advancing the story (such as clicking on objects in the background.)

However, I feel that we accomplished what we initially set out to do. We had an idea, executed it, and did the best we could in the time given. If we had more time to complete this project, I would remove the buttons entirely, add more dialogue and story elements, and maybe even add music.

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