For this exercise, I found it to be quite challenging at first but after implementing multiple techniques that I found online and tutorials as well as seeing the Learning Assistants for Comm Lab for the assignment, I found that I was able to establish a much better and stronger grasp on the topic.
I found the looping elements for the assignment to be quite different from what I was accustomed too cause I was used to coding for the fact that a click would lead me to another part and I didn’t need a button that would take me back. Because of this, I found javascript to be quite thorough and straight-forward so I thought that I was able to understand it a lot better. This assignment proved difficult because now there needed to be a return option. There was a film that I watched called “The Prestige” and it talks about how for a magic trick, there showing the audience your subject, making the subject disappear, and then making the subject come back and it state the the last part was the hardest part to do in a magic trick. This assignment reminded me of that since although I was able to create the images through html, make the image do its function through javascript, I wasn’t able to make the images come back and return since it was a hard task for me.
However, in the end, I found this assignment to be challenging in a good way and although it was a struggle, I believe that with more practice as I follow through with each class and recitation, I will be better at understanding looping and ultimately, as well as javascript.