Recitation 3: Sensors by Roger


Arduino Uno: we can process our code here.

Breadboard: the circuits are held here

Fan and Motor: When it passes enough current, the motor will start and give wind. Serves as the output.

Moisture sensor: detects the moisture in the substance and gives data back for processing.



Malika and I decided to use the moisture sensor to build circulation. Our purpose is designing a system to control how wet the target things are. For example, after we wash clothes, we put similar circuits nearby. If the clothes are still wet, the motor will work and the fan will give winds to dry the clothes. We used wet tissue covers the sensor to be the “clothes”. In our video you can see, when the tissue was wet, the fan would continually working but once it became a little dry, the motor stopped.

We met some problems during the process. First, we could not made a right circuit. The problem was strange because if we added a LED in the circuit, the motor would stop working. We guess it was because the voltage was not enough so we removed the LED. But after class, I thought may be use parallel can solve this problem. Second, we tried to find the range of the sensor because the data on its documentation from the official website was very complex. It gave us three different range for one sensor. We got confused so we tried to find the range by ourselves. We tested it by putting sensor dipped into water, and found the highest data could reach over 500. So we used 600 as our Maximum value. At last, we also had problems in coding because we did not distinguish the relationship of “Servo” combo and “analogWrite” , so we could not get a right output. With the help of TA, we knew that we did not need Servo and then we directly used analogWrite.

Reflection on the questions

Question 1

Malika and I used with the moisture sensor. As I have mentioned before, our circuits could be used as detect the moisture of the clothes and if the clothes are wet, it will dry the clothes automatically. For moisture sensor, it could be used to detect the moisture of the solid to help farmers to know whether they need to water the crops.

Question 2

I disagree with it because the receipt has a very clear order and once people mix the steps, then they cannot cook successfully. But from my experience of writing code in ICS, I found that some time the order of code was not that necessary. The key of writing code is the logic. And in python, there will be some thing called “class” and this kind of coding also do not need a very specific order. So in my opinion, I think they are different.

Question 3

I think computer simplify human-beings works and offer a new entertainment way. First, all the functional computer is aimed at simplify people’s work. For example, computer can help people to calculate some complex equations, which may cause people spend a lot of time if they do manually. Then, some function like Siri, can help people manage their schedule, which means people do not have to spend more time to recite their schedule. Thus, computers make people become “lazy” because people have less work to do with the help of computers. Second, people may use computer to have fun, such as games, videos. Computers bring verities ways to entertain people, which bring a lot happiness. Using computers is already the most popular and common way to have fun.

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