Week 04: Interactive Comic Project Update – Chloe Chan

So far, Allie and I have decided that we wanted to have about 10 panels in total for our project, with the last panel being the only one that isn’t a split screen between the both of us. We have decided that we wanted to just use photos that we have previously taken in our lives to illustrate our lives. We have collected 9 photos each for each split panel, and plan to take the last one together in school. We will put a filter on each image so that they will look similar.

So far we have also designed what our interactive comic will look like: 

Users will be able to interact with the comic by clicking on the image, which would allow the users to see where we were in the world, the specific date that the image was taken and more details that we will collectively decide on later. On the side bar, there will be a distance meter that measures how far we were from each other, and at the bottom there will be a timeline with an airplane that moves with each panel. 

We haven’t started inputting our design into the website just yet, but so far we just wanted to make sure we collected all of our images before we 

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