Week 4-Comic project-Milly Cai

I’m working with Ying. Until yesterday, my partner would like to change the storyline, as a result, we haven’t started the website designing yet—— because the work I’ve done so far all followed the previous story setting that we’ve decided. According to what we’ve planned before, I’m responsible for the visual part, which includes the character expressions and most of the scenes drawing. 

We decided to mainly use the scrolling to keep on the story and clicking the evidence in the scene to interact with the reader, which might trigger the conversation between the reader’s character and Pikachu.

Though this comic’s inspiration comes from the game, which also makes this comic’s interaction quite like a  game, my personal opinion is still to tell our own story that differs from and also beyond a game. As the original setting of this story is about the pokemon with his passed-away master, somehow it also reflects the relationship between pet and pet owner in real life. Follow this idea, our initial plan is to make it closer to our daily life, thus, some of the simply game-like models should be discarded(eg. idea of completing a level mission, weird/unreasonable cause of the mission… ) Even if it’s a tiny story, it still deserves a logical and reasonable storyline. Therefore, maybe there should still be a discussion before we settle down the story.

Here’s the work that I’ve done so far:

As for detective Pikachu’s expression:


Find the evidence/when the main character make the wrong choice:


As for these two gestures, I created the GIF image to make it more moveable and vivid.

Speak to show his own opinions: 


Common look:

Sense for danger: 

The cover design:

Female character:


Male character:


The abandoned apartment (But probably be discarded due to the changing story):

Outside view


Hallway view

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