Response to Samantarai and Perepu—Alessandra

I always knew Eileen Fisher as my mom’s favorite brand, nothing more. Little did I know that it is one of the worlds most dedicated brands towards the sustainable fashion movement. I first found out about their impact when researching for Eva and I’s final, and this reading really opened my eyes further on what they’re working towards sustainability-wise. The company has so many interesting sustainability initiatives, both in-house and outreaching. They’ve shown consistent effort towards sustainable fashion advancements, even when faced with the failure of their initiatives not performing as well as they’d hoped. Most other brands would’ve reveled publicly in the fact that they’d tried to be sustainable, it didnt work out, so they were just going to go back to fast fashion business as usual. Much like Patagonia, Eileen Fisher seems to be more focused on the sustainable fashion movement than profit, and they’re trying to influence their consumers to feel the same way. They regularly partner with organizations dedicated to keeping brands honest about their sustainable fashion initiatives and producing clean products. It’s refreshing to see this approach from more brands other than just Patagonia, and if I liked the clothing they produced, I would buy more Eileen Fisher pieces. Since I don’t, I’ll just keep encouraging my mom to buy more from them than other brands.

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