Reading Response (Due March 03) (Nimrah Syed)

Name: Mehr Un Nisa Javed 

Professor: Nimrah Syed 

Date: 3rd March’2019 

Objective: Write a reading response to Week III reading. 

Reading Response:

I really liked this reading for several reasons. Firstly, it was very consumer-centric as it was talked about in the reading that during the design process focusing on the individual people rather than on target market enhances the sustainability. When designing the clothes it is quite important to see people wearing them and interacting with them and that is only possible when the garments are long-lasting so that people can develop emotional attachment with the clothes. Hence, this sense of great well-being derived from the clothing would help people to love their own self. This made me really think about my own self and how I have developed emotional attachment with one of the shirts I have. It is about 3 years old but I still keep it in my closet and try to wear it as much as possible because it makes me feel really confident. 

“They are wearing clothes that represent who they are. Instead of creating stereotypes and generalized looks, we are creating a clothing environment that supports and sustains individual well-being”. This is the gist of the reading as the main goal in the fashion industry and for the designers should be to cater the needs of the consumers in a way which is not harmful for the environment and also fits the consumers needs. 

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